Why Blog?

Why Blog?
If I didn’t have this blog to do, I’d probably wash the dishes
or do the other daily chores that go against my wishes.
I’d have to clean my desk off and put everything away–
tasks that more or less consume the best part of my day.
I might have to mend or clean or sweep or dust or cook.
But mainly, I’d have no excuse for putting off the book
that has been in my computer for a year or more––complete,
waiting for its formatting. Everyone I meet
asks if I have finished it, so I can just repeat
the excuse that’s easier than falling off a log.
“I’d like to but I have no time. I have to write my blog!”

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Million-Dollar Question.” Why Blog?

6 thoughts on “Why Blog?

  1. mjennings

    I am chuckling here while reading this…feeling as you do… I mean, I’ve a huge stack of essays to grade as I do every other week, and here I am, reading blogs because that’s what I’d rather do, all paycheck needs aside.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      That’s why I quit teaching after ten years, much as I loved it. Too much time was spent “putting off” the part of the job I hated–grading papers. I loved the in class stuff and the kids. Loved teaching. Hated the grunt work.

      Liked by 1 person


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