Cee’s Fun Foto: Houses or Barns



7 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto: Houses or Barns

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    Ah, your Other Home. Because I’m pretty sure those pictures are not Mexico 🙂 Wonderful big sky. I’d love to visit. I have only heard good things about the area. Love the elk antlers on the barn.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Right. South Dakota and Wyoming. I don’t think I’ve noticed barns in Mexico. Gotta think about it. Oh yes.. I do remember a barn I visited for a pajarete. (A traditional Mexican morning drink, where you put tequila or cane alcohol in a cup, add Powdered chocolate, instant coffee and sugar, then stream milk from the cow right into the cup.)


  2. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto: Houses or Barns – kokkarakunta.ml

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