BP and Me


BP and Me

Cook a bowl of oatmeal and throw some apples in.
Cinnamon and cranberries and walnuts are no sin.
Gotta get the pressure down––of both my life and blood.
So no more salting French fries or pies of chocolate mud.
I exercise enough, I think, nighttimes in the pool;
but midnight trips out to the fridge brand me as a fool.

So a giant bowl of oatmeal with milk that is nonfat
and a bit more exercising where I once just sat
will guarantee I’ll live at least to one hundred twenty.
I’ll have lower blood pressure and zip I’ll have aplenty.
There is no secret to long life and staying young and burlier.
The answer lies in giving up life’s pleasures a bit earlier.


The prompt word today is “Giant.” (It’s not too obvious what this poem has to do with the prompt word until the second stanza, but originally, I had “giant bowl of oatmeal” in the first line. Alas, no rhyme presented itself, so “giant” got relegated to a bit further down in the poem and became less relevant.  Oh well. Main purpose of the prompts is to get us started, anyway.)


16 thoughts on “BP and Me

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Ha.. I’ve often thought the same thought. I have friends so concerned about their diet and health that all the joy has gone out of their life. I don’t think that’s bound to happen in my case. I’m too naughty.


  1. cynthiahm

    I could never eat oatmeal until my 40’s. Now I actually like it but I do add lots of bananas for sweetness. Hopefully it does some good. 😇. I couldn’t eat it daily though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Strange that you should say that right now, Heri. I just went in to make a smoothie for breakfast (at noon––running late today even though I arose early.) and in the fridge found a bowl of oatmeal I put in there yesterday. I’d cooked too much oatmeal, added apples and dried cranberries and a few walnuts, stevia, cinnamon and lactose free skim milk and put half of it in a bowl in the fridge. So remembering I’d vowed to eat oatmeal every day, I warmed it up instead, added a half banana and–it tasted exactly like rice pudding. I’d never thought of oatmeal as a dessert before but it was as delicious as any pudding I’ve ever had, and no eggs.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          And I think it works better if you make it, then put it in the fridge and let is sit for a couple of days. I ate mine cold. It was also very moist as I put milk in it before refrigerating it.

          Liked by 1 person


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