One: Photo a Week Challenge

The prompt this week was “One.”  Hope it didn’t mean to post just one!  These were the photos I could find that most gave me the feeling of solitude or “oneness.”  You can click on the first one to enlarge them all.

18 thoughts on “One: Photo a Week Challenge

    1. lifelessons Post author

      She was a Tarahumara woman from Copper Canyon. Actually, the local news magazine used this for one of their covers, but photoshopped the Pepsi out. I loved the contrast of the woman in traditional dress and the open bottle of soda.

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    1. lifelessons Post author

      Oh oh, sorry, Mary. I put that in by mistake. I had it on my desktop and it got tangled up with the onesies but wasn’t one itself. I have since removed it. You are fast!!!! It was of a scene on the way to Tapalpa. One of the prettiest drives I’ve ever taken in my life during wildflower season.

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    1. lifelessons Post author

      I am usually too lazy to submit anything, Nancy, but the woman who usually did their cover didn’t have anything for that month and somehow saw my photo and asked to use it. This was long before my blog, so can’t remember how she saw it. I think perhaps she knew I’d been to Copper Canyon and asked if I had anything from there. The blog is a different matter. So much easier to just publish things yourself! I am rather addicted to posting here!

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