Still Christmas

Here is the promised view of the entire Xmas tree at the Nueva Posada.  Every year, Judy Eger does a different fabulous tree.  See last year’s Here.  See this year’s below.  Christmas in Mexico lasts from Dec. 12 to Jan. 6, Three King’s Day.  Actually, it isn’t completely over until Candlemas on Feb. 2, but I imagine this tree will be taken down by then.  I wonder what she will do with all the angels? 

Click on first photo to enlarge all.


Sunday Trees – 269

8 thoughts on “Still Christmas

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I like to be sure my is down by valentine’s day! ;o)
      Actually, I’m going to have Yolanda take it down after I leave on Monday. I was so late getting it up because of all the construction mess I had to deal with that I wanted more time to enjoy it.


  1. becca givens

    I haven’t heard of Candlemas! When we have put up a Christmas Tree – it doesn’t come down until at least Twelfth Night. Also Twelfth Night is the beginning of our Mardi Gras season in south Louisiana. Thank you for sharing with Sunday Trees!


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Becca, Cadelmas was not only the date of Mary’s purification after the birth but also the day of his first presentation in the temple. In Mexico, it is the day people change the clothing of the baby Jesus in their home altars and bring the figures to the church to be blessed. One time when I was on a bus on this day, half the people on the bus were carrying figures of the baby Jesus! It was like everyone was bringing their baby to work.



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