

A hand releases mooring lines and I go floating free.
Unmoored and unamóred, I float upon the sea.
Each time I find a tether, it lets loose of me,
for nature seems to be at odds with propinquity.

Nothing lasts forever or even long enough.
Each time the tattered sleeve of time shakes me off its cuff,
I am again amazed that the rules won’t change for me.
Each time I am newly surprised by mortality.

So many friends and lovers, so many family members
who once were bonfires in my life, flicker down to embers
then fade to ashes in a jar sitting on a shelf.
and once again my tether becomes only my self.

It is a cruel truth of life, this ephemerality
that severs every hawser as ones we love go free.
No matter what allegiance, what solidarity
is promised, still the vow that lasts is mutability.


The prompt today is “unmoored.”

12 thoughts on “Afloat

  1. hirundine608

    Yup, change is what we are promised. 70-80 even 90 years is but that fly speck, in the sands of time. … Nice poem Remi. Especially, the last of it. “No matter what allegiance, what solidarity
    is promised, still the vow that lasts is mutability.” … Cheers Jamie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Carol. It’s funny, but just seeing your blog name is always like a bit of a mantra..It gives me a little message to not take things so seriously and to….. Relax!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      You are so young that I’m surprised you would identify with this poem that is all too real at my stage of life. To be fair, however, I started out losing people fairly young in life. It’s only after 60, however, that loss becomes the norm.

      Liked by 1 person


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