Leap Year


Leap Year

This year, indivisible by four,
is nonetheless a leap year.
As friends fall away from my life
like leaves losing hold,
I make adjustments,
searching for a direction
other than down,
spread my wings,
letting that stubborn wind
that blows me
determine my direction.


A quadrille for dVerse Poets. The prompt is “leap.”

13 thoughts on “Leap Year

    1. lifelessons Post author

      That has certainly been happening a lot lately. At that stage of life where it is hard not to be constantly thinking about death. It’s certainly put a burr in my saddle to finish up projects and choose carefully how I spend my time. I find increasingly that I like fewer planned events and just leaving room to see what happens spontaneously.

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    1. lifelessons Post author

      I definitely do. The image of leaping and sailing free has more to do with not being tied down by past thoughts and situations that keep one from changing and growing and finding new adventures. I think my intuition has always worked best for both freeing me from past constraints and steering me into new waters.

      Liked by 1 person


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