Super Powers


Super Powers

In our wider world of pomp and dollar,
somehow power makes us smaller.
Distracts us from the metaphor
of what a super power’s for.

Those powers we seek In the vast world
wait within us to be unfurled.
In that world we’re given to create,
we hold the key to every gate.

We’re given vision, strength and power
to make a minute of an hour,
to leap ahead or lag behind
in our universe of mind.

I soar the heights. I swim the sea,
and delve the depths to try to free
those powers that I’ve found to be
in that vast space inside of me.


for dverse poets

19 thoughts on “Super Powers

  1. Mary Francis McNinch

    Vastness is a good word. I have spent a lot of time traveling around your blog today. I started looking for a teenage picture of Patti, which I found. I could get lost on your writing for days, Judy. I never appreciated poetry before you.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. lifelessons Post author

        Wanted to also say how interesting it is that coming from the same tiny town, we actually got to know each other through blogging more than 50 years later when we live a thousand miles apart! Now that is a story to tell.


      1. Reflections of an Untidy Mind

        PS. Judy, I’ve always had this secret yearning to write and participate in the bush poetry and yarn-spinning events at my local folk festival. Bush poetry has a very similar cadence to some of your poetry, and the bush poets love to rhyme. It’s often a mix of subversive of humour and subversion. So I’ve got two whole weeks now to get cracking. But now that I’ve started, I can’t get the rhyming out of my head. I hold you personally responsible. 🙂


        1. lifelessons Post author

          Ha!!! Glad to be a good influence for once. I must admit it’s become a sort of curse for me. Not that I’m objecting, but recently as I kept falling into and out of sleep since I had to sleep sitting up due to my cold, constantly rhymes went through my head as I fell to sleep and awakened..Dream images melted into images from the program I fell to sleep listening to, and I was answering with rhymes. It’s like all the different stages of reality were scrambled.

          Liked by 1 person


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