Please Join Me in Asking WordPress Not to Abolish the Daily Prompt!!

I am starting a forum campaign to prevail upon WordPress not to drop the Daily Prompt.  Please comment HERE to agree with me and perhaps help effect a reversal of their decision.

Not only has it been an invaluable aid to me in jump-starting me in my writing each day, but it was also a way to find new bloggers to add to my favorites list. Without it, I will once again just fall back on my favorites list without much of a way of meeting new bloggers.

Please comment both on the forum and in comments below.


31 thoughts on “Please Join Me in Asking WordPress Not to Abolish the Daily Prompt!!

  1. Pingback: Broken-hearted that after tomorrow, there will be no daily WordPress prompt! | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  2. ampycom

    This is such a blow to those of us who are just getting started. I have little faith that WordPress will listen to us and keep the Daily Post, Daily Prompt and Community Pool alive, but I wish they would!
    Maybe they have something unexpected in store for us…
    But will it be this effective?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. granonine

    I’ve been away, wasn’t aware of this happening. Adding my voice of protest, and thanks, Judy, for setting this up. You’d think, see the numbers of people who use the prompt, that they’d rethink their decision.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Something Different | sparksfromacombustiblemind

  5. Osyth

    I come here via Embeecee and will certainly make a comment on your forum. I am dismayed that the challenges are stopping for all the reasons you outline. I cannot understand why WordPress is discontinuing these excellent areas and I can vouch that their ‘suggested blogs’ are generally of no interest to me whatsoever.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      Rugby can you give me a link to where they replied? I can’t find it. Was it on the Forum? Can’t find it there anyway, but not surprising. I lose keys and glasses every five minutes, why not the forum?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. rugby843

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts — one of my colleagues saw this post, and since it’s addressed to me I didn’t want to leave it unanswered. Asking people to “start over” from a specific prompt is an interesting idea, and if people decide to do so among their own blogging peers, that’s fantastic. But there are several reasons for which making this a more “official” solution won’t be practical, so I don’t foresee announcing this on our site.
        I want once again to thank you and everyone else from the Daily Post community for the outpouring of comments and feedback in the wake of our announcement last week. Our decision isn’t changing, but our team has been listening to the whole range of reactions we’ve seen — from the positive to the very negative — and they will definitely inform our work going forward.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          They say they are pleased to inspire us to now build smaller communities, but isn’t the idea of a blog to expand one’s community? I fear Marilyn is correct. Blogger such as we are are no longer of consequence to this huge conglomerate. No way are we going to change that. Beating our heads against the wall.


  6. Pingback: Daily Inklings: Writings Prompts for Appreciating Everyday Life – Normal Happenings

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