More Hints for What is It?

So far, no one has guessed what plant this seed pod came from, so I’m showing a photo of just the seeds up close.  Can anyone guess what plant this is?  I promise I’ll give the answer tomorrow. Or today if someone guesses it. 


29 thoughts on “More Hints for What is It?

  1. Pingback: FOTD–Do You Know What This Is? Mar 16, 2019 | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

        1. slmret

          It was an educated guess. The leaves looked like they might be bird of paradise, and the color of the bit of flower fit the possibility. Then I went to Wikipedia to verify. I had not seen them before.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Isn’t it the most gorgeous seed? I bought some of these in Hawaii 40 years ago, but have never seen any produced by my plants..I’ll tell you before the end of the day. Curious about whether anyone knows what kind of seeds they are.


          1. slmret

            Yes, I, too, thought they look just like the flowers they turn into! They’re wonderful — is this all you have? You should plant one and see what happens!


  2. Lwbut

    Ahhh.. Slmret beat me to it! 🙂

    Now i’m going to have to check the plants in my area for seedpods! – my next-door neighbour should be a prime candidate! They are way cool! 🙂


      1. Lwbut

        Never seen strelitzia seeds before today! (which is curious because i’ve lived near several plants for the best part of 40 years now?)

        I just found out also that the Rose of Sharon hibiscus seeds look very similar, but not as colourful! – their pods have 5 lobes, not 3.

        You live and learn! 😉



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