Corpse of Another Day


The  corpse of another day lay spread across the horizon. A jet stream cut through gossamer clouds stained with its blood.  If only those old men who made the decisions were teachable, she would bring them out here and show them this. Then any fool could see what they were putting more at risk every day.  This beautiful, rare world. These unique sunsets. She bent to retrieve yet another piece of plastic—this time a brightly colored molded toy. They were playing with the world, and it was a tough game, she thought, as she tossed it into her collection bag. 

The prompt words today are jet, corpse, gossamer and teachable. Here are the links:

16 thoughts on “Corpse of Another Day

  1. Christine Goodnough

    Pollution is a terrible thing, especially the pollution happening to the oceans. But I think it is going to come back to each one of us — what we expect out of life and how much we’re willing to pay for it.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Your point is right on the mark. I thought of that as I unpacked yet another computer component triple-packaged in plastic. How do we combat it? By never buying anything in throwaway plastic? By repurposing? That only delays the problem. Legislation is the only way.. or a banning of products that over-package, but then what? Do without the meds? The connectors that make your computer usable? I write about all these things, but how much do I do to combat them?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Christine Goodnough

        A tough question indeed. Money talks — business listens to consumers, when they can make their voices heard. One blogger offers a challenge that we should do without plastic drinking straws, as one small step. I see some businesses are offering compressed paper straws. A positive response to consumer concern.
        Computer parts are one thing, but I think of our $1 stores here filled with cheap plastic trinkets from overseas that none of us really need — and the oil used to haul them across the ocean. If we weren’t wanting/buying they wouldn’t be hauling it over.
        To some extent legislators must watch their step, too. If the law bans a thing and people still want it, that creates a black market situation — like the traffic in endangered species. Often the govt needs to work on people to not want/buy it before they crack down on some things.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. koolkosherkitchen

        You’re so right! I can’t tell you how many times I caught bits of plastic on my paddle, when I went kayaking! But dolphins and manatees sometimes just swallow plastic and styrofoam as they feed; they don’t know any better!


        1. lifelessons Post author

          A new study says ninety percent of table salt now contains micrograins of plastic. The three brands that did not contain microplastics are from Taiwan (refined sea salt), China (refined rock salt), and France (unrefined sea salt produced by solar evaporation). The study was published this month in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. lifelessons Post author

              I couldn’t find any information re/ this, Dolly, but trying to find the answer did lead me to several interesting videos about the curative value of bathing in Dead Sea salts!

              Liked by 1 person

            2. koolkosherkitchen

              I know, and it’s the most amazing sensation – the water is holding you! After bathing in it, I didn’t need to use body or facial scrub for several month. Also, Dead Sea salt and mud cosmetics are the best.


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