Coronavirus Reflections

Coronavirus Reflections

I’m exploring my options now that I’m alone,
my only distraction my blog and my phone.
Well, sure, I have dogs and cats I can tickle.
to ease, if you will, this sequestering pickle.

Yet I’m a pariah to humans I know,
so my social life is a little bit slow.
That it’s undeserved may be undisputed.
Nonetheless, unless I show up Hasmat suited,

none of my friends want to hug or shake hands, 
and when I explore, not anyone stands
closer than ten feet away from my hips.
Even my lover forgoes my hot lips!

Slick politicians may emphasize how
our social distancing affects the Dow,
saying, perhaps the stock market is mendable
so long as we declare seniors expendable.

This chain of reason sounds bogus to me.
I’d like to remain on my family tree
labeled as living for as long as possible.
I soundly reject being labeled as tossable!

Prompt words today are slick, tickle, undeserved, explore and chain.

28 thoughts on “Coronavirus Reflections

      1. isaiah46ministries

        It’s time for age limits on too old to run, just as we do for too young to run for president. Why were young people, meaning 40s and 50s, not able to attract a large base or women? I think about that a lot and what it says about this nation.


      1. Maria Holm

        We live in Denmark, and since 11 March we are not allowed to travel abroad. We are expected to stay at home but can do groceries. We can take walks in nature without crowding anywhere


  1. Brandon

    Well written, that was an enjoyable read (:

    There are a lot of opportunities in this situation, from financial to self-growth.
    Some will capitalize, others won’t.
    I’ve shared my own perspective on this recently.

    I like how you use your creativity to apply a new perspective, very nicely done.

    Thanks for sharing (:


  2. gc

    Donald J. Trump as we can all see
    Is a cowardly lion who should not be free
    He berates reporters for doing their job
    But he is nothing but an ignorant slob.
    One day his own party will finally decide
    Get rid of this idiot and yes tan his hide.
    There’s really nothing more than needs to be said
    But stay safe at home and cover your head.

    While states are still squabbling over who will get what

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gc

    I hope you are aware that the experts are now saying that your family pets ( dogs and cats) are also susceptible to this COVID 19 virus. They recommend that people can inadvertently infect their pets but NOT the other way around. The symptoms are runny nose, cough and general loss of energy and pep. Thought you should know. Take care.



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