The Voice of Music

The Voice of Music

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Someone just commented that there should be sound on this post, so  here is Christina Anfossie’s musical rendition of my poem “Naughty little Pleasures.”

For Cee’s Fun Foto: The Sense of Hearing.

26 thoughts on “The Voice of Music

            1. lifelessons Post author

              I took piano lessons for 8 years and a year in college and still never learned to play well. Same with the flute and sax. I did a bit better with the guitar, but nothing to write home about.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. koolkosherkitchen

              My BA is in piano and music education, with minor in general arts. Guitar was due to the fact that Beatles were forbidden, but of course, some music trickled in. I was a teenager, and I absolutely had to learn to play “Yesterday.” So I did.


            3. koolkosherkitchen

              After that, people found their own ways and means to adjust and adapt. My mother had a talent for languages, and accountants are needed everywhere, so she had no problem. My father, though, never actually learned English, hard as he had tried, beyond a few simple phrases. It was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to pass the tests required to confirm his dentist qualifications. People all around him were advising a change of profession: drive a cab or slice meats at a Russian deli. But he persevered, worked a night shift in a bakery, and during the day helped a Russian dentist without getting paid, to learn the materials and terminology. Then he refused our help to call “help wanted” ads, called the first one himself, switched to Yiddish on the second sentence, got a job as a dental technician, and worked there till retirement, ending up a lab manager. This kind of attitude is in our blood.


  1. Pingback: The Voice of Music – Karen O'Brien Country Music

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