Evolutionary Miracles


Evolutionary Miracles

It’s the birthday of feathers! The dinosaurs grew them.

Who knew evolution was going to do them?
They wished for relief from plodding the earth,
so they lightened their bones and depleted their girth.
As they worked on their balance, were they assuming
that soon they’d be soaring and swooping and zooming?
It’s true evolution gives gift after gift,
but nothing more magic than providing lift!

Prompt words today are feathers, assume, wish, balance and birthday.

14 thoughts on “Evolutionary Miracles

    1. lifelessons Post author

      So happy to be an inspiration for words and thought on this fine day. I have been too taken with the worst events in our lives, i.e. politics. Have you read Gary Zukav’s The Seat of the Soul? It seemed to follow my needs and my last post into my life. I’m listening to it on Audible.


      1. lifelessons Post author

        Sam, I just read your very touching tribute to your wife. The comments were closed so commenting on it here and hoping you see it. I can also see that you know all there is to know about the transition of dinosaurs into birds!!!


        1. SAM VOELKER

          I still do not know how to work everything in WordPress~!! I really do not look for “likes” but I am always happy to see that someone has read it and a negative response would be a real put down. However I do spend a lot of time writing many other things. I knew you had read that thing on birds earlier but I posted it anyway for edification of others. As I said touche… just to connect to my post. I still insist that our minds often work in parallel avenues, even if, in a way, we are worlds apart. Sometime it scares me. The biggest difference is mine is mostly extemporaneous from something I read, a thought, a word, or even a dream, yours are often a challenge of a prompt plus a puzzle of instructions. I know that I may not be able to do that, and I also know that I make mistakes in meter, rhythm or rhyme but I always do tell a story, as I know it, and take the poet’s advantage of going beyond the bounds of reason. At the same time I have written several publications, but mostly technical or history related.

          Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          Actually they did.. they evolved into birds.

          Birds evolved from a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods. That’s the same group that Tyrannosaurus rex belonged to, although birds evolved from small theropods, not huge ones like T. rex. … But over time, birds lost their teeth and evolved beaks.


  1. blindzanygirl

    Oh my! Dinosaurs with feathers! But the brownies sound good. If you are still interested Judy, I have put up a post with the picture of my grandparents’ farm on, and written the history of it. Have a good day.

    Liked by 1 person


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