Fatal Persuasion


Fatal Persuasion

Don’t ruffle up your pinions as though I’m about to strike.
Although my bite is lethal, I am kind to those I like.
They say in certain circles that I am quite a catch,
and I await you at your doorway. Just open up the latch.



Word prompts today are catch, pinion, strike,

13 thoughts on “Fatal Persuasion

          1. Mason Bushell

            I do like reptiles and snakes in particular. So, I did a little search for you and that was the most likely one I could see. They are very pretty snakes. Glad I could be of help.


            1. lifelessons Post author

              I’ve always like snakes as well. Much more likely to touch a snake than a worm. Ew. As a matter of fact, I have a photo of myself with a python around my neck in Sri Lanka. So long as they aren’t venomous, no fear at all.


  1. Glenda M Roman

    Gorgeous. Seductive. A brilliant touch, the domestic plate, (shudder.) .But my mind played a trick on me. I grew disturbed, even anxious in the reading. What was I missing? Being compelled to read and reread, it came clear. at last. Unbidden, unconsciously, over and again I had been reading it incorrectly. (Some Freudian clue there?) It took a 4th slow reading, while trading lightly, to catch this. P.S. I admire and respect snakes. Still, this was my highly personal first take on …
    “Fatal Persuasion
    Don’t ruffle up your pinions as though I’m about to strike.
    Although my bite is lethal, I am kind to those I like.
    They say in certain circles that I am quite the catch.
    I await you at your doorway, dear. Just open up the latch.”

    Liked by 1 person


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