Talking Turkey

Talking Turkey

I’d rather be footloose, I’d rather be free.
No more will I languish on any man’s knee.
I’ll eat all of my gravy and none of my peas,

get up and retire whenever I please.
I’ll retrieve no one’s underwear off of the floor.
When I use the potty, I won’t shut the door.
I won’t cover my mouth when I burp or I sneeze.
I’ll open the window to enjoy the breeze
or shut my house up as tight as a drum,
eat all the cookies to the last crumb.
I’ll dine for a month on my Turkey Day turkey.
I’ll be selfish and weird and eccentric and quirky.
For as much as I love human interactions,

 living alone has its own satisfactions.

Prompt words today are: human, gravy, retrieve and footloose.

13 thoughts on “Talking Turkey

  1. slmret

    This is wonderful, Judy — I’m in Santa Barbara this week, but may stay home over Christmas due to worsening pandemic. I’ll keep this marked to read again then! Meantime, happy Thanksgiving!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I imagine your friend has been pretty isolated. And that you use gloves and a mask at gas pumps? I’m seeing a very small and careful group for Thanksgiving but no plans for Xmas. xoox



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