Sneaky Peeky


I’ll admit I’m not exempt
from feelings that are quite verklempt,
for I find it over-pleasant
when opening a Christmas present
to find that object wrapped inside
(the very one you tried to hide,
but in fact, through search and guile
I’ve known about for quite awhile.)

I discovered it a week ago
as I was searching high and low
to see what you had bought for me.
I simply couldn’t wait to see.
Yet see me ahh and oh and ooh,
putting on a show for you?
What you see as over-reacting
is in fact just over-acting.

Prompt words today are joy, guile, present and verklempt.



25 thoughts on “Sneaky Peeky


    “verklempt”??? ? vas es das ? Had to look it up, and now it is in my “special word file” but I doubt that I will be using it soon~! But thanks, I learn something new each day. As kids my folks would hide “Santa Claus” things behind the sofa which was across a corner of the room. We would get back there and examine them long before Christmas. My little Sister one Christmas brought me one of those iron “plantation bells”, The problem was that I had one on a pole down by my creek and another one hanging on the barn. When she saw that I already had two, she started crying~! I felt so bad that I had to tell her that I needed another one up on top of the hill in case I fell or something up there and needed help/// So if you ever come to visit you would know why I have iron bells all over my place.
    We were planning a family get together today but it is raining very hard so I called and told my son in Houston not to try to make the trip… I feel better not having them on the road.
    Got one eye fixed last week and will get the other one fixed on Tuesday so I will see a bright new Christmas, even if it is not White~!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lifelessons Post author

      That was a new word for me as well. Once again the prompts made me do it. I like the puzzle of it and although not great poetry, it is a fun task first thing every day. Gets my thinker started. Sweet story about the iron bell and your little sister. I’m not quite sure what a plantation bell is. I take it a way to signal each other in the field..starting and ending time, meal breaks if any, emergencies. Right? I like the idea of their being all over and the story of your sister. So sweet.


      1. SAM VOELKER

        A plantation bell has a sad history, as it was used to call the slaves to work etc. Avery plantation had one large one. Later it served better service as a means for the lady of the house to tell her men in the field that it was “time to eat” They are now scattered all over the Antebellum South, some real but many, like mine, fake.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          This is my first Xmas of not having any gifts at all and it doesn’t matter a bit to me.. Never thought that would happen. Ha. Actually, a friend gave me a “normal” Barbie doll–one that has real physical dimensions and I have it sitting under the tree, so it was an early Xmas gift. I guess long ago she told me about them and I said I’d like to see one. She came back after a delayed stay in the States due to Coronavirus, and brought it to me. Would you believe this is my first Barbie ever? She hadn’t been invented when I was at the doll stage. Must say I rather like this one. I put all the stickers on her big travel trunk and tried out all the accesories that snap onto her thumb for use–toothbrush, toothpaste, camera, guitar, cell phone. She even came with her own cat which does not connect to anything–you know cats.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Mason Bushell

            Christmas isn’t made special gifts is it. its all in the friends and family sharing and having great time. thats what was missing this last year.

            I reckon that Barbie would be great for some wonderful photography sessions.


            1. lifelessons Post author

              OK. She’ll be my new Little Duck. Before you were reading my blog, Forgottenman and I took Little Duck on all sorts of adventures. You can see them by searching by that name on m’blog. We’ll see if Normal Barbie can rival his adventures.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. SAM VOELKER

        Oh, on our first Christmas after marriage I really wanted a power drill. I hinted in every way I knew about what I wanted. When I was building something I would say if I had a way to attach this it would go faster, other times I would say “this would hold better if I had the proper tools”, etc….

        Well the gift appeared under the tree~! exactly the right size, and when she was not looking, hefting it, told me it was the right size and weight, I was really proud of myself and her that the message got across~! On Christmas I excitedly opened my “gift” and was somewhat disappointed that she had gotten together several boxes of NAILS and screws wrapping them up tightly~! Turn about was fair play though, she had been saying that her hands were cold, so I had gotten her one of those old fashioned “hand muffs” (I doubt that they even exist anymore). She had been hinting on a nice pair of gloves~!. Long story short, I did get that drill, that she had hidden, and which I still have today, Got it from J.C. Penny, of all places, and she got those fine gloves which are in her drawer even today~!

        A Fine memory of our first Christmas together~! On our second Christmas we lived in Montana and she knitted me a “peter heater~! and I got her a frying pan and cook book on Creole cooking~! We always got other things of loving memory too, but this is a good example of our mutual way of kidding each other through the years, which made for a happy loving fifty years of married life~!



        1. lifelessons Post author

          So the muff was a gag gift and you had already bought her the gloves? Fun. I don’t remember ever receiving a gag gift except in white elephant exchanges at Xmas parties.


          1. SAM VOELKER

            Well not quiet what you would call a “gag gift” That muff was fine fir and cost a lot (for me at the time), not used as much as I felt it should have been, but she did often have cold hands~! She also knitted (part) of what was to be a beautiful scarf, but after a long time did not finish it~! It was more of not getting what was really not expected, I also do not remember ever using that peter heater, and maybe it was sort of a gag, but she worked long and hard to knit it, with the other women doing the same in her knit club. We both did like poking fun at each other, as unfortunately you may have seen in me. I gave her a beautiful carving of a rhinoceros which I picked up in South Africa, and she kept on her desk at work for years. No one there knew why, but it was because she would often say: “you are always horny~!”


            1. lifelessons Post author

              My husband got me a band saw for Xmas the first year we were married.. He said it was best that we kept it in his art studio since it would mess up my jewelry studio. I don’t believe I ever did use that saw! Our second year, he got me damp-wicking socks and a multi-use tool. Not a very romantic gift-giver once we were married, but he excelled at it before marriage. My first birthday gift was a poetry book wrapped in gift wrap with a red licorice whip bow. That first Xmas we had a silent auction at the Venus Poetry center and since at the time I worked for Bob Hope, I asked Phyllis Diller for a contribution. She ended up giving me a fur coat with a big silk bow at the collar. My mother was visiting and really wanted that coat. At first no one else bid on it but then someone started bidding against her. Finally she gave up and was so disappointed as she wanted it for a Halloween costume. Christmas morning when we opened gifts and she opened her gift from my boyfriend (later, my husband) it was the coat! She burst into tears and it was then and there that he cemented his place in her heart. I wouldn’t have dared not marry him!!!

              Liked by 1 person


    I enjoyed your response but need to look up “damp wicking socks”, or should I~?
    Yes, we can be sneaky at times~! And I sometimes I bought “tools” for her, which I always used to make our home more lovable, and livable, but she felt that she would rather have me “fixing things”, than a outside workman~!

    But I admit, it is often difficult for men to be “original” in picking out unique gifts, When I had to be away from her on a project to far away places, I always made sure to bring back some sort of “bijou”, painting, statue or other typical work of art from that land. I still need to finish that post about my home showing some of these objects of art. This turned into being long winded, so I will write it up under a separate post with photos, under the name of: “BIJOU”. Hay, I found a flat Christmas gift that I could send to you in an envelope, if I can find your address again.



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