

Invisible patterns are there, nonetheless,
and they are what write my poems, I confess.
That’s why they’re birthed without any strain
and what brings me back again and again
as a surrogate mother for verses and stories
that repeat life’s foibles, beauties and glories.
Varied in humor and import and skill,
they may display failure or conquest or will.
Some may tell truth and others small lies.
They instigate laughter or irrigate eyes.
But however, once birthed, my expressions may fare,
they were there all the time–right out in the air
for anyone to arrange or abuse them.
I’m just the one who elected to use them.

Prompt words today are invisible, pattern, foible, variable and strain.

17 thoughts on “Skywriting

    1. lifelessons Post author

      You did.. I noticed they were right next to each other on my Facebook page so I’ve changed the photo for this poem. Good eyes. (The frigate birds worked better for it, though.) Good eyes, Mason.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          This was the most frigate birds I had ever seen in one place and the first time I saw them diving down on the beach–even between people walking on the beach. I have photos of them diving at people. So strange. I’m used to seeing them very far up in the sky as they were in this photo.

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          1. Mason Bushell

            That is unusual. They normally nest on remote cliff faces and dive in deep water beneath to catch fish. They maybe displaced males looking for a new colony and taking the chance to get food where they could.


            1. lifelessons Post author

              Some interesting facts: Frigatebirds, seagoing fliers with a 6-foot wingspan, can stay aloft for weeks at a time, a new study has found. The results paint an astonishing picture of the bird’s life, much of which is spent soaring inside the clouds. They are the only seabirds that lack waterproof feathers — if they dive into the ocean or even land on its surface, the water will soak their plumage and prevent them from taking flight again. They feed by harassing other birds in flight until they regurgitate whatever fish they’ve eaten and the frigatebird takes it. Or they fly over a fish-feeding frenzy on the ocean surface and scoop up small fish that leap out of the water to escape larger fish.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Mason Bushell

              Good grief no. I’d never be able to get into the office to write if I knew everything. My head would be far too big! No, I’m pleased to say I know relatively little but I learn every day.

              Liked by 1 person

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