
Sound Bites

When the daylight takes its bite
eating up the dark of night
I begin my daily rite
of finding all the words to cite
that serve to bring my thoughts to light.

I write and write and write and write–
filling up my blogging site
until my dogs begin to fight,
and finally I know it’s quite
necessary to do what’s right.

And this is when I find I might
secure my laptop lid up tight
and give my brain a small respite.
It is my  second day’s delight
for they have tried to be polite

lest they disturb me or incite
words that in their haste are trite.
With an open door, I now invite
their appetites–now at their height.
Each jumps and spins–high as a kite,
and comes to have his morning bite.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Forward Drive.” https://judydykstrabrown.com/2015/09/04/from-the-back-a-photo-a-week-challenge/ What is the one thing that drives you to wake up in the morning and do whatever it is you do? Is it writing, family, friends, or something else entirely?

22 thoughts on “Sound Bites

  1. MLou

    I had 6 dogs when I got divorced and retired….hazards of being a dog catcher lady and loving animals. I couldn’t take them with me…..I adopted out the ones I could but most were not adoptable…..that’s why I had them instead of putting them down. Sometimes I miss the companionship…they are great friends and part of the family. Broke my heart to upset their precious lives but where I was going they would not have been happy.


  2. iseeiseesaidme

    Hi Judy,
    I have been out of the loop to say the least… and that is a lovely picture of Frieda and Diego… I am wondering if Morrie is still part of the family… last I read he was causing a bit of an uproar..


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Oh yes. Many adventures. Frida is finally accepting him, at least they lay 3 feet from each other last night. Morrie follows Diego everywhere and he is now trying to train him to go outside to pee before bed. When Morrie wouldn’t go for me, Diego barked to be let out of his cage –which he has never ever done before at night…and ran out the door, Morrie following, and took him down to the back garden to pee. In three minutes they were back again. He also trained Morrie to go into his cage at night. It is adorable.


      1. iseeiseesaidme

        Oh that is fabulous…Diego is a wonderful big brother…and Frieda is probably just to sophisticated a female to appreciate those rambling young brats.
        I am so behind with blogging but am geering myslef up to pick it up again… i miss it but am stuck in a very very bad place…i wish i could write about it.. i will be escaping soon..


          1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer

            The Pet Continuum apparently refused to give him training, even after repeated request by the Republican Party & a desperate pleas from his wives of the past twenty years. Ha, ha, ha,! 🙂

            I recently wrote a comical piece on my Tremr.com site about the Trump phenomenon, especially after all the candidates signed a pledge.

            Their politician, they would have been better off conducting a “Pinky Swear” ceremony like in the movie Stand by me

            Liked by 1 person


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