Category Archives: image of dog

Shadows and Reflections


(Click on images to enlarge.)

Obviously, I got a bit carried away again, but I did cull out some.  After you’ve looked at these photos, don’t miss Cee’s Shadows and Reflections in the link below.

For CBWC, Shadows and Reflections, don’t miss Cee’s photos HERE.

Pabu at Her Best

IMG_1733.JPG                                                                                                          photo by Allenda

Pabu’s human thought you should see her at her best.  Pretty girl.

Studies of Pabu: Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Pets

This is my friends Allenda and Tony’s  darling dog Pabu. Limiting colors to black and white does not alter him at all. Click on photos to enlarge.



The prompt this week is pets.

The Couch Potato’s Creed


The Couch Potato’s Creed

Though he who hesitates is lost,
impetuosity has its cost.
You should look before you leap,
because still waters might run deep.
Though early birds might get the worm,
rash actions trip up the infirm.

So all-in-all I think it’s better
if you aren’t a go-getter.
I guess the moral to this tale
is lest you lose or lest you flail,
you’re up against the proverbial wall.
It’s best you do nothing at all!

I’ve discovered an interesting fact about Morrie.  He frequently sleeps with his eyes wide open!  In the above photo, he’s on the sofa, but I snapped the below photos one morning when he had usurped my bed as well:


The boy knows how to make himself comfortable.

The prompt today was “hesitate.”

Morrie Gets Sand between His Toes

Morrie seemed to have no problems getting accustomed to the beach.  He’s even a bit less disturbed now when mom puts him on his long lead on the porch and beach or in his cage at home and leaves to have a life away from him.  Why he can’t go with is a story we’ll leave for another time. (Click on first photo to enlarge all photos and see captions.)




Morrie Gets a Makeover

img_40532016 Model

2017 Model

Click on photos to enlarge

Personally, I prefer last year’s model.  This year’s looks too grown up.  But it will be good for the beach.  He looks like a square-jawed rabbit, doesn’t he?

Today’s prompt word was year.

The Dangers of Blogging


I’ve been working sunup to late afternoon for the last four days setting up and running a booth that sells the wares of all of the participants of our wonderful Maestros del Arte show in Chapala.  The last two days were rainy and cold which necessitated two revampings of the booth and moving of all the goods.  The rain kept coming and the mud puddles got deeper. I was running from booth to booth and then back to ours and came home exhausted every night.  Tonight, therefore, I got home at 5, fed the dogs, warmed up a few leftovers, washed off my muddy feet and fell into bed.  It was freezing cold in my house with no central heating, so I set a little space heater on my night table and took turns warming my four sides of my body, fetched a heating pad to warm my hands, and socks to warm my feet. I fell asleep at 7 p.m. and woke up at 11 p.m.

Still, still night.  Went out to see the Super Moon, but it was too overcast to reveal even a glow to suggest where it might be.  Then the gloom opened up for a few seconds and  I ran in to get my camera, but by the time I located it, the sky had closed its window again. Read a few blogs, including Murdo Girl’s which had a video I turned on.  In it her three dogs were barking and barking.  Immediately, Morrie and Diego, who had been sleeping peacefully in the doggie domain,  went rushing out into the night to bark back at them outside the  sliding glass door to my bedroom.  Then all the neighborhood dogs began to bark back.  I brought my dogs in with the promise of a dog biscuit, locked them in their cages, and they are calm once again, but sixteen minutes later, the neighbor’s dog is still going crazy.  The dangers of blogging.

Two Circles

Two Circles

Two big problems were solved for me today with the construction of two circles.  First of all, the lovely installation created by Leonardo in my garage was removed today and reconstructed in a better spot so the garage is free again to park my car and load it up with supplies for my two month stay at the beach.  Eduardo, an artist friend who is also Leonardo’s father, is here for the next 6 weeks to build flower boxes around my flower plots in the garden, to build a brick sidewalk leading down to the pump for my irrigation system and to repair salitre damage and paint my house.  We have negotiated the terms and most of this work will go on while I am gone.  Here, then, is my first new circle.  It is just to hold the sand for construction, but I’m fond of it already.  perhaps a little pond here later?  No, probably not.

IMG_1163 (1)I love how he incorporated the flower pot into the design! Actually, a semicircle now, but we will imagine the other half of it, for purposes of maintaining my theme!

So, with one problem solved, I set about trying to figure out how to keep Frida from licking her “hot spot” wound.  The neck cone definitely didn’t work.  She was a crazy woman for the one night after I put it on her and that made me a crazy woman.  Also,  although she’s taking a course of antibiotics, they will do no good if she keeps licking the wound and reinfecting it and also it does no good to put Neosporin or other medicine on it because she licks it off. So, what to do?

A friend suggested colloidal silver for the wound.  She had tried this before and it had worked, so yes, I went to town and bought a big bottle of colloidal silver and put it in a spray bottle.  Another blogging friend suggested I tie a rolled up towel around Frida’s neck to keep her from bothering the wound on her hip.  I couldn’t think of how to keep this on her until I had a flash of inspiration.  When my nephew Craig and Jessica visited, they purchased an upscale neck pillow to aid with sleep on the plane.  When they left, they asked if they could leave it as they hadn’t used it and it was cumbersome to carry around.  Voilà!  I was even able to locate it–wonder of wonders.  I took off Frida’s collar, sewed the pillow to it with a huge needle and six strands of waxed linen and fastened it around Frida’s neck.  She didn’t even flinch.  Here she models my new invention which I should patent if it works!  Brilliant!!! (If it works.)

IMG_1170 (1)We will see how Frida’s new “necklace” looks after being outside for a day.

So that, my friends is how I resolved my two biggest problems and how circles came to save the day!!