Category Archives: images of wildflowers

Mystery Flower, FOTD June 20, 2020


I just glanced at this flower growing in the pot where normally kalanchoe grow and went in to get my camera. It was only while I was transferring it into my photos that I realized those were definitely not kalanchoe leaves. I have no idea what it is or how it got there. Either I bought something I didn’t know the name of or it is a volunteer brought in by another plant. At any rate, it is thriving there and the kalanchoes all seem to be gone, so I will enjoy it as a mystery unless some kind soul tells me what it is. This entire bunch is about 2 1/4 inches across. Happy Solstice!

For Cee’s FOTD

Blending in–Hibiscus: FOTD June 16, 2020


I just noticed this cream-colored hibiscus with a red throat for the first time–two blooms in among a  bush with a profusion of bright coral blooms. It is on a good-sized bush that has woven itself into the fabric of the other even larger bush, so must have been there for a long time as I haven’t planted hibiscus along that wall for over ten years. Where has it been hiding all these years? Or is it I who have been hiding? This period of forced isolation has revealed some amazing secrets about my back garden and after all these years I am beginning to feel that instead of this house belonging to me that I belong to it.

For Cee’s FOTD

Oxalis: FOTD Sep 2, 2019

I found this shy little bloom while inspecting a plot of ground where I want to extend the sidewalk to enable easier access to the pool water shut-off valves at night. I found a flower that looks very close to it that was labeled “Shamrock Hong Kong Clover,” so until someone proves me wrong, that’s what I am labeling it. For Bob’s sake, I am revealing the shocking state of my manicure just to show the flower to scale. So lovely. I’ll transplant it before letting the bricklayers do their job. Well, I myself have proven myself wrong. It turns out those were just tags and the actual name of the flower is Oxalis! 


For Cee’s FOTD

Purple Thistle, Flower of the Day, Aug 21, 2019


The hills of Montenegro were filled with these flowers. They look like purple thistles…but I’m not sure that they were. The air was full of the fuzz that carried their seeds. Click on photos to enlarge.

Cee’s Flower of the day Challenge.