Category Archives: peace

The Go-between


                                                       The Go-between

The Prompt: A Bird, a Plane, You!––You get to choose one superpower. Pick one of these, and explain your choice:

  • the ability to speak and understand any language
  • the ability to travel through time
  • the ability to make any two people agree with each other

I can’t think of any power greater than that of being able to make two people agree with each other.  Imagine its impact on negotiations between countries as well as with terrorist organizations such as Isis. The only problem would be the life I’d have to live to make use of those powers.  I would have to be a politician or lawyer in order to have access to people who can really make a worldwide difference, and with this power, I would be so effective that I doubt I’d have much of a personal life of my own as I’d always be traveling to solve one dispute or another.

On a personal level, to really enable people to see where those with opposing viewpoints are coming from would be of such immediate help that I can imagine being called in to mediate all sorts of disagreements between neighbors, friends and relatives. Messy divorces would be a thing of the past around me–either the divorce itself or the bickering over a settlement.  Schoolyard bullies might be better understood and quashed. Gang activity could be ameliorated. Donald Trump could be brought to his knees and silenced, hopefully.

World peace would be reason enough to sacrifice my other two major “wishes” of being able to time travel and speak any language in the world.  Guess I’ll have to save those wishes for the next inevitable repeat of this prompt.