Category Archives: zinnias

Different Flower, Different Butterfly? Flower of the Day, May 4, 2018


At first I thought this was a different butterfly from yesterday’s, but upon close inspection, I think that the bottom side of the wings are just completely different from the top side. I do believe it is a different flower, though.

For Cee’s Flower Prompt.

Zinnias: Flower of the Day, Aug 21, 2017


IMG_0231Not many zinnias this year.  This little fellow was a volunteer, peeping out from underneath the stone at the base of a palm tree.
For Cee’s Daily Flower Prompt.

Heart of Zinnia with Fly and Spider Floss: Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge, August 8, 2015

IMG_3274IMG_3271I sprinkled seed from an earlier zinnia plant over this plot of dirt left after I dug up a big cactus to transplant. My plans were to put a fish pond here, but I can’t bear to dig up the zinnias which have been blooming almost constantly since.  You’ve seen them at other stages, but this is what they look like now.  They are loving the rainy season!

IMG_3275I love the detail of the shadow in this closeup.

For more flowers, go here: