Monthly Archives: January 2016

No News Like Really New

The Prompt: Roaring Laughter––What was the last thing that gave you a real, authentic, tearful, hearty belly laugh? Why was it so funny?

No News Like Really New

“We publish a new one each morning,” The Daily Prompt’s seen to declare,
speaking of topics they put on their page for all of their writers to share.
The prompt for this morning is “laughter” and the task will be simple for me,
for I’ve written to this prompt at least once before and it’s still here to easily see.

Yet still I write on for I cannot resist writing just one more poem on this topic
wherein I point out what you might only miss if your problem is that you’re myopic.
It’s true that they publish these prompts every day, & it’s true that it’s done in the morn;
but the rest makes us chortle and say to ourselves that the topic today’s slightly worn.

In two thousand fourteen on the seventh of July, I wrote on this topic before,
and if you count up from the bottom, my response is in row number four.
I think in this previous entry, I wrote about fun in the past
as though such riotous laughter was something not likely to last.

But now I recant and admit I was wrong. That poem I’m going to dis,
When I saw that they say that each prompt will be “new,” I burst a gut laughing at this!
WordPress we really do love you, and it’s true that your site’s working well,
but when you stop using the same worn out prompts is when you will truly excel.




Vibrant objects, vibrant people.  Splashily vibrant or quietly vibrant–all the same, we need this vibrancy in our lives.  Easy to find in Mexico!!!!

More Retablos, Closer Up

More Retablos, Closer Up

These are not the most accomplished photos, but I am so happy at having retrieved them from the bowels of the  “Photos” labyrinth, that I’m posting them.  They are a few of the more formal “Retablo” series that I’ll be displaying  January 31 from 10-3 in addition to the “Found Art” collages I posted yesterday. Since the Art Walk is tomorrow and I’ll be busy (I hope), right now I’m going to go for a walk of my own on the beach and for a swim!  (Click on photos to enlarge.)

We Sin Again

We Sin Again

Today once more WordPress has cheated.
A Daily Prompt has been repeated.
In short, this “The Eighth Deadly Sin”
as a prompt is wearing thin.
I wrote all I’ve to say, I fear,
and what I wrote can be found HERE.
Now that topic’s been depleted
and our attitudes grow heated.
We’ve complained and raved and stomped––
Ye shall not repeat the Daily Prompt!!!

Remember the seven cardinal sins? You’re given the serious task of adding a new one to the list — another trait or behavior you find particularly unacceptable, for whatever reason. What’s sin #8 for you? Why?

Found Art Squared!!!

Found Art Squared!!!

The lost found is found again!!!  A lovely young techie in Kansas City MO finally figured out why my pictures of past 4 days had vanished out of my photo library, so my lost “found art” pictures are found again!  I’m supposed to be dancing, but have to post them before they decide to go on a walkabout again.  Here are a few of the pieces I’m showing, all made from items found on the beaches of La Manzanilla and La Ribera in Baja California, Mexico.

Okay!! I’m off to Palapa Joe’s…Talk atcha later!!!

Mac Users? Please Help.

Update: Found! See my next post.

Something strange has happened to my Photos program on my MacBook Air.  When I import photos, they go into my last import album, I edit them, and normally they’ve always stayed in my photo file.  But for the past 4 days, when I take new pictures, all the photos from the last shoot disappear.  They are not in my library nor are they in the last shoot album, since they’ve been replaced.  Can anyone help with this?  I’m beside myself because I’ve lost all these great pictures and hours of editing!!!  Thanks…Judy

Wild Nights Out

Wild Nights “Out”

When we are young we brag and flout
our exciting evenings out,
but later on the joys of gin
start to wear our patience thin.
Lately, though I still go dancing,
I find an hour or two of prancing
is quite enough to slake my thirst;
and I must confess the worst.
When it comes to nights of sin,
my most exciting nights are “in!”

The Prompt:  Tell us about your most exciting night out lately.

La Manzanilla Doors: Thursday Doors, Jan 28, 2016

La Manzanilla Doors

For such a small town, La Manzanilla has a disproportionate number of little grocery stores.  Dalia’s and Lidia’s are two of the best stocked and certainly the most colorful.  Watch for other doors from La Manz on upcoming weeks.



No “cauldron boil and cauldron bubble” for me.  I’m too busy with a different sort of ritual.


Up at eight, feed the dogs.
Back to bed to write some blogs.

Around noon, finally rise.
Open drapes, survey the skies.

It’s really time that I got uppa,
donned some clothes and had a cuppa.

Pull on Levis and a blouse,
Make my sojourn through my house.

Blend a smoothie, drink it down.
Get in my car and drive to town.

Do some shopping, have some lunch
or meet up with my writing bunch.

Go back home to meet my fate–
three dogs barking at my gate!

Throw Morrie’s ball, pat other dogs.
Go back inside and write more blogs.

Post more photos, read the Reader,
then to the garden to be a weeder.

Take some pictures of some blooms.
(Cee’s daily flower posting looms.)

Post the picture, read blogs of others:
Serendipity’s and Mother’s.

Go out to dinner or to dance,
then home to have another chance

to catch up on the blogs I’ve missed––
To see if I’ve been “liked “ or dissed.

By now you’re probably all agog
at how my ritual’s mostly blog!!


The Prompt: Just Another Day–Our days our organized around numerous small actions we repeat over and over. What’s your favorite daily ritual?

Laguna Sunset

                                                            Laguna Sunset

This was the sunset two nights ago that greeted us as we were nearing the end of our river birding trip on the laguna and river in the bird sanctuary that runs between La Manzanilla and Boca de Iguana.  The two young men who operated the oars on our boat pointed out hornbills, egrets, herons, cormorants, crocodiles, giant iguanas and a plethora of other birds as we quietly moved through the mangroves.  At one point, we had to lean down flat in the boat to go under an extremely low bridge…but those pictures will follow.  The point of this posting is the incredible sunset which was actually even more virant than these pictures depict.  As we approached the beach again from the laguna, the sky was a vibrant scarlet. These pictures capture part of the ever changing spectacle.

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