Category Archives: sketches

Our Own Little Universes: Pains, Rips, Stars, Itineraries and Insights

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Our Own Little Universes: Pains, Rips, Stars, Itineraries and Insights

Yolanda and Pasiano must have thought I was crazy when I started packing a week ago for my 2 month trip to the beach. First, all of my clothes piled on the bed in the spare room, then art and jewelry-making supplies piled on one end of the other bed, computer and photography needs piled on the other end. Bags full of other art supplies. Then two days ago, little piles of spices and kitchen tools, canned goods, disinfectant for fruit and veggies, bags of papers I’ve been wanting to sort for 13 years. (There will be time at the beach, where I know no one.)

But now it was the night before and with the car mostly packed with suitcase and bags, I still had hours more of sorting and packing to do. I knew it would probably mean a late night, and I’d have 5 or 6 hours of driving to do. Could I get enough sleep so I wouldn’t be driving sleepy, by myself, with no one to spell me?   I have been rushing around trying to get dozens of details finished before I leave and I was so tired last night, with still a half-dozen things to do, that it occurred to me that there was no law decreeing that I have to leave today!!!  So, I’m putting off leaving until tomorrow morning. That way I can finish packing at my leisure, sort out what I’m doing re/ the illustrations for the book and whether to take the scanner or not and get a full night’s sleep before driving to La Manz.

I don’t know why I get these mind sets about how things “have” to be done.  Such a relief and so glad I decided to do this because I was up three times with severe leg cramps during the night–sometimes both ankles, once my inner thigh and opposite ankle…Such agony that a hot shower couldn’t ease. If I had neighbors, they’d think I was either having the best sex of my life or that someone was killing me, because I was moaning and screaming out at great volume!  Then I thought to get in the hot tub and they eventually eased.

The third time this happened, about an hour ago, I almost fell asleep in the hot tub, but woke up, thought I needed to get out, and glanced up to see the quarter moon perfectly centered through a tear in the umbrella I’d positioned over a side of the hot tub.  You know what happened.  I had to get up, naked, dripping, cold, and go get my camera and then back into the hot tub to try to capture that phenomenon.

Dozens of shots later, with flash and without, I’d gotten a few barely effective shots, but realized how these pains of life sometimes lead to highly personal insights and experiences, so although the camera did not catch exactly what I’d experienced, my mind and memory had, and it might be that thing I remember in my last hour or last moment and gain strength or hope from.  So intimate, these night experiences with ourselves.  Those times when we realize we really are our own universes.  Our own little gods, having the final power over ourselves.

In short, although if I thought I had to drive alone to La Manzanilla today, I’d be so worried that I would fall asleep at the wheel, instead I don’t have to worry.  I can do my final packing today and then get a good night’s sleep.

I’ll leave tomorrow.

Medium Rare

Okay.  Finished!!! The picture is the last thing you’ll see.

The Prompt today is: Rare Medium. Describe a typical day in your life — but do it in a form or in a medium you’ve rarely — if ever – used before. If you’re a photoblogger, write a poem. If you’re a poet, write an open letter. If you’re a travel blogger, write a rant. (These are all examples — choose whatever form you feel like trying out!)

This is a hard one for me because I do poetry or prose or art or photography or rants every day, so what is left?  I guess I’ll have to resort to one of the things I am the worst at: drawing.  This I do not do well, but I will try.  Come back in a few hours and you’ll see the result.

I traveled for 15 hours yesterday so bear with me, but please do come back!!! (Gnashing teeth because I really do want to write a poem so badly.  Will right win out or will norm?????)

Three hours later:

Things I had forgotten before I drew this horrible picture

—How hard it is to draw a straight line.

—How hard it is to draw a curved line

—How hard it is to draw a crooked line.

—That  an 8.5X11 inch drawing was going to be reduced to a point where it is hard to make out detail. Come to think of it, this might be an advantage.  Never mind.

—Why I gave up drawing long long ago

—How humbling it is to display something you do poorly for the world to see.

—That it is actually kind of fun to color

—That it is very very hard to color near the edge of a page.

—That art of any kind, no matter how poor the end result, causes you to enter into a time warp.

Four hours later:

Now that I have my sketch scanned, converted to jpeg, straightened and ready to go, my blog absolutely refuses to accept it. I think perhaps I’m not meant to share my lack of sketching prowess with the world. I’ll try one more time, and then give up.

Half hour later: Okay, I’ll try twice and then give up. Rescanning the picture.

Ten minutes later:  Why is it taking so long to scan this picture when it normally takes a minute or less????

Okay, here it is.  Once I actually saw it on the blog, I decided to move it from first position to last.  Remember. I cannot do 2 dimensional art.  I disavow any responsibility for or pride in the below image:

daily life  color004

Those are my three kids–Squeak, Frida and Diego.  Squeak is a cat and Frida and Diego are dogs.  Yes, I really did have to kill a scorpion I found in a drawer first thing this morning.  Yes, that is a volcano in the background. (It is saying, “Look at Me.”)  Not possible to read in this small version. No, I do not have any groceries in my house.  No, my studio is not really this messy.  It is 100 times worse!  No, I am not Alice in Wonderland.  The “Drink Me” glass contains a smoothie.  Thankfully, I’d left one in the freezer as I had none of the proper ingredients. Yes, once knew how to draw perspective but I haven’t the patience for it anymore.

This is absolutely the last drawing of mine you will ever see on this blog!!!!!