Category Archives: SIGNS

Cee’s Black and White Store Front and Building Sign Challenge


For Cee’s Prompt:

Along the Road


This is the road that leads from the main highway into the little beach town where I spend time each year.  I’m presently here for three months.  And this is one of the first things I see along the way:

It’s the “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” Authentic Mexican Kitchen Restaurant.  Heavenly food, I’m sure.

Cee’s Which Way Challenge, Sept 21, 2016

The way to go may not be perfectly clear, but the way not to go should be!



Signs of the Times

Cee’s challenge this week was for storefront signs.  Here are a few I’ve been saving for a special occasion that seem to fit as well as some I’ve very recently taken. Lately I’ve been lucking out on the prompts.  It seems as soon as I take a number of photos of a certain topic, the prompt the next day fits it to a “T.”  Thanks for reading my mind this time, Cee. These will look better if you click on them to enlarge them. The guy in the big snowdrift is my dad after the big snow of ’53.

Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge 2016 Week 3


This is a scene from a dry lake bed that stretches for many miles on either side of the road that leads from Ajijic to La Manzanilla.  During part of the year, the lake bed might be filled with water, although it is very shallow.  At other times, it is dry and frequent dust devils and small tornadoes raise the dust in twisting columns.  I’ve driven through it literally surrounded by dozens of these little twisters.  This sign, “Con Tolvanera, Encienda Sus Luces” means “During Dust Storms, Turn on Your Lights.”  I don’t know why the picture tickles my fancy, but it does.  So, it’s my oddball for today.

Cee’s Black White Photo Challenge: Signs

DSC06675DSC00496 - Version 3 DSC00495 - Version 2 DSC00495 - Version 3 DSC00382 - Version 2DSC06677DSC00036 - Version 2DSC00500 - Version 2All signs located in the San Francisco Bay area or in the Route 66 Museum near Times Beach, Missouri.

For more signs, see: