A Week With Friends

Click on photos to enlarge.

Sharon and Linda’s birthdays, reunions after many years, Malanna’s successful job interview, making good use of old stamps, good food, good friends, good cheer, temptations of the Chinese market, spontaneous dance, grandkids and wontons and the birthday cake decoration that wouldn’t die!!!

Double Betrayal for dVerse Poets May 15, 2024, left-in-the-lurch

Double Betrayal

Her thoughts in parting were most candid,
her emotions, clearly branded
on her face. They reprimanded
him for how he cruelly stranded
her within their love affair—
how he left her standing there
alone, heartbroken, vulnerable.
How he’d burst her true love’s bubble.
Thus was her earlier promise broken
before a single word was spoken
when she met them, face to face,
engaged in intimate embrace—
that one who was to be her mister
with her faithless younger sister.

For dVerse Poets

See how others responded HERE.

Proper Placement for dVerse Poets

Proper Placement

Sometimes I think I’m tired of moving here and there
and that my favorite place of all is right here in my chair.
I’ll give up future travels for places in my head.
My favorite place is in my mind.  I’ll travel there instead!

Today for dVerse Poets, we are to write a Quadrille on the topic of “Place.”

The Numbers Game #21, May 13, 2024

Click on Photos to Enlarge.

Welcome to “The Numbers Game #21”  Today’s number is 142. To play along, go to your photos file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos you find under that number and include a link to your blog in my Numbers Game blog of the day. If instead of numbers, you have changed the identifiers of all your photos into words, pick a word or words to use instead, and show us a variety of photos that contain that word in the title.

This prompt will repeat each  Monday with a new number. If you want to play along, please put a link to your blog in comments below.

“Cosmos” For The Sunday Whirl Wordle 654


My soul is restless, dark and lost.
Its flickering flame is tempest-tossed.
Ceaseless waves assault my ears,
their chanting pulse swelling my fears.

Slipping  into their restless grasp,
I void my terror in a gasp.
No fan of chance, I cast my lot
into that teeming marble pot

where those lost futures roil and toss,
whose progress is the potion’s loss.
Where is that world secure and calm
that cups one in a soothing balm?

Those caught in it feel its caress
unaware of that duress
that catches others in its swell––
one world encompassing Heaven and Hell.


For the latest Sunday Whirl, the prompt words are: waves slip void soul restless dark chanting flickering pulse chance marble fan.