Category Archives: Misanthrope

Five Shadormas

The Prompt: For this week, write a shadorma (a non-rhyming six-line poem consisting of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllables.)  Instead of following the WordPress prompt, My Circle of 5 will be 5 Shadormas. Thanks, Sam, for the prompt.


 This paper
very slightly used–
and a stab.
This morning’s poem now dead–
unsung, unmourned.

Chinese Takeout

That rice grain
and the plastic fork–
against me
of another food court sin.
Yes, I ate it all.


Walk away
lest you find reason
to stay here,
fouling up
your determination to
have a fucked-up life.

Signing the Papers

You prompt me
to mind my timing.
Five o’clock
on the dot.
I come early anyway.
Her scent signs the air.

Salt Water Taffy

Sweet toffee
cannot hide the tang–
bitter salt
on my tongue–
of all the tears I swallowed,
waiting for your touch.

To see more shadormas, go HERE.