Category Archives: images of dogs



Cat Woman’s sexy. Batman’s svelt
in cape and leotard and belt.
Superman in colors bright,
looks dashing flying in to fight.
But Underdog’s a lesser sort.
Sorta puny, sorta short.
His uniform? He doesn’t care.
He’s happy in his underwear.

For alternate photos for this prompt, go HERE. The prompt today is underdog.


The way this works is, I sneak up on them when they are already lying down and preferably asleep.  Then, very quietly, so as not to disturb them, I whisper, “Play dead!” It works every time. If you click on any photo, they will all enlarge.

For the Halloween Challenge prompt “trick.”

Waiting for Mom

As usual, waiting for mom to feed us, to throw the ball, to finish her blog, to give us pats.

Click on first photo to enlarge all.

The prompt word was waiting:

Morrie Gets Cut

Morrie had surgery for a very fast-growing tumor today. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get it all because it was attached to his ribs. He wanted me to share these photos of him being such a good patient.  (Once he got home, that is.  When I got to the clinic to pick him up I could hear his barks from the parking lot!) We’ll have the results of the biopsy in ten days. Neat sewing and clipping job, don’t you think?

(Click on first photo to enlarge all and see captions.  You do want to hear the whole story, don’t you?)

Daily Menu

Daily Menu

Lately it’s incredible
how many products edible
I’m buying daily at the store.
There’s constantly a need for more.
One type for kittens two months old,
getting more hungry and more bold.

In the morning, when I enter in,
they climb my robe or climb my skin
thinking that perhaps they may
consume kitten tuna souffle
a second before all their peers
consume it. All four little dears,
meows now turning into roar
as though only four hours before
they had not had a late night meal
of special kitten rice and veal.

Then the old cat limps out to see
the special treat that’s brought by me.
Mixed with fish oil, sardine pate—
a king’s ransom three times a day.
She deigns to feed upon this fare,
eschewing edibles less rare.
The small dog with a skin condition
consumes his own special edition
dog food for his special state
I portion out upon his plate.

Just one more left—the old dog claws
the window with his muddy paws,
demanding edibles from me
both by his barks and what I see.
I provide a different dog food for
this anxious dog who mars my door.
The menu, as you see, is varied.
As cook and waitress, I am harried.
But breakfast done, I take a rest
to do the thing that I like best. 
The minute they are finished chewing,
I present their menu for your viewing!

Seven animals with 4 different diet demands make feeding time a big job–especially with the cat and kittens who need to be fed numerous times a day.  I’m off now to apply for a bank loan so I can go to the store with a wheelbarrow for today’s provisions. When days are full, hyperbole helps.


The prompt word today was edible.

Morrie Enjoys the Flowers: Flower of the Day, June 13, 2017

Morrie eats the grass but just enjoys the flowers— especially when I loft his ball into them by mistake.

For Cee’s Flower Challenge.

Jan Golik’s “Junk Art”


Every time I see these photos in thumbnail view in my photo file, I think, “Now whose dog is that?”  Then I enlarge them and realize they are two views of one of Jan Golik’s fabulous junk art dog portraits.  I believe this one is of her own dogs and it looks exactly like him.  Amazing.

Okay, now here they are in larger views:


The Couch Potato’s Creed


The Couch Potato’s Creed

Though he who hesitates is lost,
impetuosity has its cost.
You should look before you leap,
because still waters might run deep.
Though early birds might get the worm,
rash actions trip up the infirm.

So all-in-all I think it’s better
if you aren’t a go-getter.
I guess the moral to this tale
is lest you lose or lest you flail,
you’re up against the proverbial wall.
It’s best you do nothing at all!

I’ve discovered an interesting fact about Morrie.  He frequently sleeps with his eyes wide open!  In the above photo, he’s on the sofa, but I snapped the below photos one morning when he had usurped my bed as well:


The boy knows how to make himself comfortable.

The prompt today was “hesitate.”