Category Archives: images of gardens

Twilight Garden


I’m lying in the hammock listening to faroff cicadas on the mountain. The ones that usually surround me are silent for now. Oops….one just started up in the yard across the street so I’m sure they will soon be joined by ones in my lot below. I snapped this shot just five minutes ago and already it is nearly too dark to photograph, but interestingly enough, when I just snapped another photo, my camera on my iPhone seems to have picked up extra light as it is just as light as this photo. The wonders of technology. At any rate, I love this time of the day. I came down an hour or so ago to mend a tear in the hammock, heard my neighbor on his porch and asked if they wanted some carrot cake. They did, so I carried over almost 1/2 of the little cake I bought for Jose’s birthday. Then when he didn’t call or come by today, I decided to just have a piece and had already decided to take half of it to my neighbors so I wouldn’t be tempted. Yolanda and Pasiano could polish off the rest tomorrow. But, as fate is prone to do, the minute I got inside from meeting David in the street outside our mutual garages to transfer the birthday cake, the phone rang and it was Jose, who was down at the kiosk at the entrance to the Raquet Club where I live, having a birthday beer with his friend. So, I jumped in my car and took them down two pieces of birthday cake, lit candles  and let Jose make two wishes. His wish was that I’d accept his bid for touching up paint on my house and repairing a crack. My wish was that he’d reduce his estimate by half. He came down 1/3. We’ll see if either of us gets our wish. Happy Birthday, Jose. And to all a good night.


For Cee’s FOTD

Dusty Miller and Friend, FOTD Feb 15, 2020


I bought this wood carving at the orchid festival in Mazamitla. I love its primitiveness. It wanted to come stand under the dusty miller and amidst the ferns.

For Cee’s FOTD

Tweaking the Backyard

A vine on the post supporting the terrace roof had grown so big that it totally blocked off access to the sidewalk from the terrace. Going down to turn off water to the pool, as a result, was a tricky and dangerous business, especially at night, when I had to step off onto an uneven area of dirt and plants.  I also had a whole set of lawn furniture I couldn’t use because the yard incline was too severe, the back legs sunk into the dirt, and I tipped over backwards when I sat down on them. Lastly, the junction of the two brick pathways had become a favorite digging site for the dogs.  Solution? A little brickwork and a few plants. 

Please click on first photo to see captions and enlarge all photos.


(This post was done at the request of Forgottenman, who has been dying to see what is going on.)

Flower of the Day: May 1, 2019

Happy May Day!! No Maypoles in Mexico.  Here it is celebrated as Labor Day which means no one works. Ha.  I, however, will not use that as an excuse to shirk my duty. Here is a shot of Morrie and Diego enjoying the pleasures of the back yard. Diego sips from the biggest water dish in the world as Morrie seems to be in the act of sitting down, rather awkwardly, I might add.  In the foreground, the last of the poinsettias, in the middle, a plumeria/frangipani tree in full bloom, cactus, various bougainvillea, Virginia creeper and palms. This is the view from my writing desk. Not my usual flower closeup..



And the jungle side of the view.


I always love Cee’s peonies.  You can see one HERE.

Creeping Charlie and Chinese Garlic Chives

They shoulder out my succulents and commandeer my grass.

Perky little coins of green, they have a lot of brass.
Chinese garlic lifts white heads a bit above the fray.
Although they’re uninvited guests, I guess they’re here to stay.

For Cee’s Flower of the Day

Pre-Flower Garden Collage: Flower of the Day, Sep 3, 2018

IMG_2037When this new little hibiscus blooms, it will hopefully add some color to this area of the garden.  You can barely see it’s spindly little limb sticking up above the citronella, succulents and new bushy red plant. The cactus spine was one we collected in AZ to make a lamp out of before Bob died.  It has found a new purpose in this arrangement. The terra cotta cone is the top of a clay sculpture the animals knocked over and broke, now repurposed .

A Summer Garden

The garden isn’t at its best during the dry season, but I’ve had a request to photograph it, so here it is, with all of its warts. With the exception of the sculpture of the seated woman from the front patio, this is all the back garden. The front garden is a bit of a mess due to all of the debris from the roof repairs. I’ll show it in a later post. The dome of the roof is here pictured as a pale gray as it is currently being repaired but will eventually be restored to its rose color. Please click on first photo to enlarge all and view as a slide series.

For Cee’s Flower post.


Garden Layers: May 11, Flower of the Day

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Plumeria, papyrus, cactus, bougainvillia, yucca and palm form the layers in this garden collage. I need to go our and see how much remains after the colossal storm last night.

Do not miss Cee’s iris bud after rain today.  Here it is.

My Own Back Yard: My Favorite Place

Click on any photo to enlarge all.

Much as I’ve loved to stir and roam,
lately my favorite place is home.