Category Archives: poem about boring people

Out of Order


Out of Order

If you’re an avid planner—an agenda sort of man,
life seems to have a fondness for screwing up your plan.
Ideology is fine so long as you take note
that fate seems to have other schemes than life lived out by rote.

Providence is naughty. It thinks irony is divine.
It likes to move our decimal points, nudge columns out of line.
It screws around with calendars, plays jokes with weather, too.
It messes up your Windsor knot, conceals one favorite shoe.

It messes up collections and puts them out of sequence.
confuses medication in its timing and its frequence.
So if life changes the rules after you think you’ve won,
learn what it seeks to teach you: spontaneity is fun!


Prompt words today were collection, avid, ideology and plan.

Black Friday

public domain photo

Black Friday

Yesterday you masticated
until appetites were sated.
Then certain relatives orated,
argued, harangued and debated—
their monologues all unrelated.

Trapped, you were all educated
in what they sanctioned, what they hated.
Admit it, weren’t you elated,
when that last politician was rated,
and the last argument abated?

Once all your visitors were gated,
those final good-byes terminated,
and their ills excoriated,
you could prepare for what was fated.
Your choice was unequivocated.

Now that you’d heard and eaten all,
Tomorrow, you’d consume the mall.


Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since 1932, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the U.S., and most major retailers open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales.

The prompt today is “sated.”

Sealed and Sequestered

IMG_7278 (1)Sealed and Sequestered

Plenty to fill a locked-in room
with imagination to spark the gloom.
Left on my own, sequester’s blight
gives time to think and time to write.
I’d have no cause to weep and moan
if I were sealed up on my own.
Just one thing might chill my core––
if sealed up with me was the world’s worst bore!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “1984.”You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room.