Category Archives: Leaves

Hole in One: FOTD Mar 12, 2024

I was without my camera when I first saw a leaf on this tree that had two holes in it and had to get a photo of it. Unfortunately, when I returned with my camera, I searched the whole tree over and couldn’t find it again.  It was not a total loss, however as I also love this photo with just one hole in the leaf that looks like a fish. Leaves are fair game, right, Cee?


For Cee’s FOTD

Autumn Leaves


I like the middle seasons, the rising and falling.
As in a good novel or a good life,
that is where the excitement is.

Summer’s heat and brittle winter
are for avoidance and snuggling in,
protection from the extremes.

For me it is the in-between, when flowers bud
or leaves turn brilliant and fall to cushion the earth
and blanket it from the cold comforter of December.

For Sunday Stills “Leaves Have Fallen From the Trees” prompt.