Category Archives: Seasons

Seasoned with Failure

Seasoned with Failure

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”
                                                           –Truman Capote

Is it coincidence that spice is also known as “seasoning?”
The explanation for this fact (according to my reasoning)
is because we need a bit of this, a bit of that
lest our cuisine and also our lives become too flat.
Summer, winter, spring and fall—
no season dominates us all.
And this is why, then, in my view,
a pinch of failure in the brew
sprinkled on at fate’s behest
is what gives success its zest.
If you wish to triumph in the end,
accept some failure in the blend.


The prompt today was triumph.  This poem is a rewrite of a poem written 3 years ago.

Mexican Autumn: One Word Photo Challenge: Autumn

Mexican Autumn

Version 2 No, i haven’t augmented the color of the sky.  It was this fantastic tonight.IMG_6426 IMG_6435 IMG_6679You know it is autumn in Mexico when it is time to make sugar skulls to decorate for Dia de los Muertos!   We made 101 today for the kids in the village to decorate.  I’ll post pictures later.