Monthly Archives: June 2016

Clouds: No Step? No Problem!!

Thanks for the one word prompt “Clouds” today, WordPress!  Guess who got a window seat on her flight between Guadalajara and Phoenix yesterday and took 206 photos of clouds? The ride, especially the landing, was bumpy but well worth it!


My Life with Cats

I was walking by my friend Isidro’s studio/gallery one day when I saw these little paws sticking out from under his door.  Very shortly thereafter, this little boy came by and the rest of the story took place.  So touching.  He knew right where to stick his finger in the kitty’s underside of his paw to bring obvious pleasure to his friend.  Had to add a shot of my kitty Annie as well..waiting on the wall to be fed.  I think more photos will follow, but I have to catch a plane now..See you later.

Timely Tourism

How handy that the prompt for today is “tourist” just as I am starting out on three weeks of travel.  Do you think WordPress has spies? Here is what I see as I spin around on my stool at Johnny Rocket’s (Juan Pablo Hamburgers here) in the Guadalajara airport, right by my departure gate, where I’ve just tried to choke down 130 pesos worth of undercooked fries. (Two nights ago I spent 150 pesos for a gourmet meal and margarita at Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala.)

So, after two weeks of exhausting preparations to get ready, here I am ready for a few weeks of leisure. Every year it takes me longer to get ready to leave, either because my life gets more complicated or because I get slower. My internet was out again today, so I’m availing myself of airport wifi to post this.  More to come if I can find wifi in any of the U.S. airports.  Denver bound!

Yellow Hibiscus: Flower of the Day, June 29, 2016

Today when I went out to the front garden, the hibiscus bush had so many blooms, each at a different stage of development, that it looked like a staged demonstration for a class in plant development.  The blooms at every stage were so uniquely beautiful, that I took a few dozen shots, almot all of which turned out.  Since I’m going to be traveling over the next few days and I’m not sure how many flowers I’ll see, I’ve decided to show you one or two of the blooms a day for the next few days.  They won’t be in any particular order––just what catches my eye each day as I dip into my cache of beauties.

Strange Bedfellows: Garlic Blossoms and Aloe. Flower of the Day, June 28, 2016


Here is another unlikely bouquet.  This time it is aloe and garlic blossoms.  My semi-wild garden creates some strange bedfellows.

Pool Party

Okay… It is finally happening, and the gang has collected to supervise. Our newly refurbished pool is finally ready for water and the water we put in has finally decided to stay put.  Hot water is coming in from the street, cooler water from a hose connected to the cistern and more hot water piped in from the hot tub. I’m excited because I haven’t been able to use the pool for over two weeks.  The kids are excited because finally their really big water bowl is going to be full enough for them to reach the water to quaff their thirsts! I keep telling them they have to be patient. I’ve done all the work of turning on pumps and hooking up hoses. Now all there is to do is to watch.

Can you match the photo above with the dialogue below?

“Pacing won’t help boys, but hey, if it relieves the tension, be my guest.”
“I remember when I could walk to the other side!”
“So are you ever going to fill our little dish again too, ma?”
“You keep an eye on that one and I’ll supervise this one.”
“Then we can switch.”
“What I can’t figure out is how is the water getting from this one to that one?”
“Oh the water is wiiiiiiiiidddde, I cannot get o’er.”
” Morrie, are you supervising, having a drink or just admiring your new look?”

Morrie’s New Look

Morrie still has his usual beard and facial hair because the groomer had to use a muzzle as he kept trying to bite him, but I don’t mind the hirsute look.  I told him I didn’t want the classic Scottie haircut of short on top and long on the bottom.  I think he looks pretty cute.  Diego and Frida are busy sniffing him because they know something is different, and Diego was beside himself when we left without him this morning.  Now we’re home and ready to dig into our old life again. Internet is restored, at least for the time being..


Palm Tree Skyscape

I saw this cloud/jet trail combination from where I sat at an outside mall restaurant.  I jumped up and  tried out several locations, but decided I liked this view the best. This is my favorite type of palm tree.. such a beautifully sculpted trunk.  It gives a bit of texture to this otherwise pretty smooth scene.




HA!!!!! The prompt for today is “deprive.”  Perfect.  I have been without internet since last night, my pool has no water in it, I  went to three banks before I could find one where the ATM worked and four restaurants before I found one open so I could use their WIFI to post my blog.  I would say I am the definition of deprived. Two mornings ago  I awoke to discover the water I had stayed up all night to pump into the pool as per instructions from Chino had vanished!  I opened the valves from the street water and alas, for two days,no water.  It rained all night but this morning when I went to look, still no water.  Luckily the rain wet the pool enough, I hope, to cure the new grout and concrete before we put the hot water from the street.  When Pasiano arrived this morning, I discovered he’d left the filter drain open.. something I had no way of seeing, so it seems to have emptied the water right back into the cistern!

I drove through pounding rain and flooded roads to I leave Morrie off for his summer haircut and a bath, then  went to four pharmacies before I could find the prescription I needed. I have two more days to prepare to leave for the states and have a million things left to do and it seems like one thing after another has happened to slow me down. Am I not meant to go? Am I just meant to go more slowly? I’ve learned this lesson again and again over the past few years and so now I need to listen again.  Nothing that has happened in the past week is life or limb-threatening, so I’m going to sit here, enjoy my eggs and take a bunch of deep breaths. How can I feel deprived in this beautiful place where we are getting much-needed rain and where someone has just cooked me a beautiful breakfast?  I guess whether we feel deprived or not is just a matter of which details we choose to concentrate on!