Monthly Archives: May 2015

Circle of Life 3

Okay, I’ve finally figured it out.  When I posted my second post on this subject, I inadvertently published it over my first posting instead of opening a new post…I erased the content of the old one–everything except the comments.  So, those comments from Cee and Nancy actually were for this image, which was an enigma to all.  I do think I’ve figured out what happened.  Guess if you wish, but I’ll post what i think happened below. Please note that I did not edit or change the image in any way.  This is exactly how I snapped it.

SPOILER–if you want to guess what happened, comment before you read on.  My guess at what happened: I think I inadvertently had the panoramic setting turned on.  I snapped the picture, then put the camera up to take another picture not knowing I was still taking the other picture.  This must be what happened. Can’t think of any other explanation short of photographic poltergeists.  But, why was the image not longer like other panoramic shots??? Mystery of life.

A Photo A Week: The Circle of Life (2)


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The circles of life above  were constructed by Nancy Gerdt, a talented artist from Felton, CA.  Here is her beautiful garden and her studio:

DSC00090 (1)DSC00103and some more of her work:



A Photo a Week: The Circle of Life in abstract (1)


What is it? Something whose cycle is vital to all life–a detail from a plastic bottle of water in the cupholder of my sister’s car.



Also vital for the circle of life: air–here represented by the air vent on my sister’s car.


And finally, a third component of the circle of life: good old South Dakota Jones County gumbo! It is this rich soil, here on the tire of my sister’s car, that sent me through college and assured my path in life…Messy, but thanks. I am what I am today because of it!!!!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: Tell us about a time you did a 180 — changed your views on something, reversed a decision, or acted in a way you ordinarily don’t. (I wrote to this post earlier, and since it looks like only five people read the post, I’m reprinting it here.)


Of Stable Mind

There’s nothing I said yesterday that I’d like to retract.
Such wishy-washy thought systems leave me cold, in fact.
Those things that I believed in–last week, last month, last year–
are pretty much the standards that I still hold dear.
I’m not veering toward the right and I don’t like war games much.
I haven’t changed my taste for chocolate or changed to Greek from Dutch.
I still like Indie movies, the Avett Brothers and
prefer the beach to mountains as I like my walks in sand.
Though change is epidemic with apps changing every day,
when it comes to my beliefs, I think that I’m just going to stay
right here in the middle of the leftward slanting crowd–
where thinking for yourself is both encouraged and allowed.
No knee jerk either way, please, and respect for everyone
so long as they aren’t given to persuasion with a gun.
So I’ll post no apologia for anything I’m thinking.
I’ll row home in the boat I came in even if it’s sinking!

On The Way: Pigeonholed and Dovetailed!!!

This lovely pair welcomed us home yesterday.  I fumbled to extricate my camera from my purse and then its case.  I missed the initial perfect shot, but they sat still long enough for one fast shot,

then flew away.


Version 5


How many family albums have been thrown away
to make room for Tonka trunks and ruffled dresses,
Tinker Toys scattered across closet shelves?

Of what use are lives lived fifty years ago or more?
Store them neatly on computers,
sealed behind glass for all to easily see,
taking up space
only somewhere
in a cloud–floating above

so if the cloud is ever broken,
they will float down like rain
to soak white sheets hanging on clotheslines,
or onto windshields to be scraped away
by wiper blades–
like fine gnats or raindrops–

vertical memories
floating onto our horizontal world,
bringing the past to soak into the present.
Falling action becoming forward motion,
carried to the future.  All things indivisible.

Everything still here–
even if as ash
from burning albums,
curling crisply
and blown away.

The Prompt:  Do Not Disturb–How do you manage your online privacy? Are there certain things you won’t post in certain places? Information you’ll never share online? Or do you assume information about you is accessible anyway?

Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Take a New Photo

I’ve been playing around with my new camera and the new photo editing program on Apple.  At first I hated it but I’m starting to understand it a bit better.  I still miss some features of iPhoto but guess it is the way of the world to change and change.  The alternative is petrification.  At any rate, I like the much-altered photo above.  Want to see the original?  Look below.

Version 2

And here’s another edited color version:

Version 3

Thanks, Cee, for this black and white challenge.  Due to you, I’ve developed a new fondness for black and white photography.  I love seeing the difference that alteration makes.  Hard to believe these three are actually the exact same picture with just simple editing.

Worst Neighbors in the World!!!!

(If you are viewing on the Reader or in Facebook, there is one more picture below you won’t see unless you click on the title.)


Passed this scenic view “on the way” to  Sheridan, Wyoming, yesterday, coming from Moorcroft.  Ahhhhhh.

Second Chance

I wish that I’d been wilder and freer in my day.
Had imaginative friends to join me in my play.
I wanted to stage circuses and playact vivid scenes,
but schemes like this were always far beyond my means.
There wasn’t enough zaniness in anyone I knew
to dream my dreams or want to do what I yearned to do.

We’d play school or hospital or house when we were smaller,
but this imagination palled as we grew taller.
I wish there had been classes in writing and in art
to allow  that side of me to flourish from the start.
Instead, I had to search for whatever it might be,
never finding anyone who seemed at all like me.

What was it I was lacking? Where was the rest of me?
I didn’t have a clue about what I was meant to be.
Half of my life I think that I was trying to fit in
to places and activities where I’d never win–
achieving just enough to make my life appear successful,
yet still I felt unsatisfied–unfulfilled and stressful.

Since I was nobody’s mom, nobody’s loving wife,
at thirty-one I ran away to find another life.
I quit my job and sold my house and caught a westbound train.
Perhaps I’d find in water what was lacking on the plain.
So I went to California and took a writing class.
Then another and another, until it came to pass

that I finally found the playmates lost to me in youth.
They were irreverent, creative, clever and uncouth.
Here, at last, I finally felt like I had found it all.
Words were the playthings that we tossed among us like a ball.
My own life now surrounded me–securely, like a bowl.
Here I felt a part of things–a section of the whole.

Later, I discovered I was an artist, too,
All my life, I hadn’t known.  Hadn’t had a clue.
It took someone just guessing and pushing me that way.
Then I had two mediums for saying what I say.
Art filled out the rest of me ’til I was full at last.
It took almost forty years to find how I was cast.

And then all of those playmates lost to me as a child
began to pull me out with them–out into the wild
to paint myself and write myself anew each dawning day–
discovering those hiding parts in what I sculpt and say.
Every day, like hide-and-seek, I find another part–
all those portions of me I’ve been seeking from the start.

I know that second childhood is a derisive term,
but I have found in fact it is the apple, not the worm.
It is the food I feed upon, the fruit I’ve always sought.
It is simply what I am instead of what I’m not.
It’s filled with messy, juicy things like paint and flux and glue.
Explosive things like nouns and all those verbs like “am” and “do.”

What I missed in childhood, I found when I was thirty,
and it was simply glorious: naughty, messy, dirty.
I rolled around in words and paint with others of my ilk–
these artful things more nourishing than bread or mother’s milk.
At forty, fifty, sixty, I’ve become what I can be–
found what I lacked in childhood: friends that are like me!

The Prompt: is there anything you wish had been different about your childhood?

Mysteries in our Middle Lands

If you want to know where I came from, drive about 135 miles east from Rapid City, South Dakota, on Interstate 90 and look for the Pioneer Auto Museum signs!


This is the old Highway 16 that parallels the Interstate and that brings you into town.
This is the house I grew up in. It once had a very big front porch that extended across the whole front.  My dad planted all the trees. My friend Joyce, who bought the house many years after my family left, added the fancy front door, shutters and brick steps.

The old water tower still stands, but two more modern towers now store water from the Missouri River 60 miles away.


The widest and perhaps emptiest main street in the world is not just an optical illusion.

Head out of town past the cemetery and you’ll find the gate to the last house my parents lived in on the left.

IMG_0115IMG_0107What you won’t find anymore is the house, that blew away in a tornado.  The little shed is on the neighbor’s land.

IMG_0122IMG_0150The The time zone change between Central and Mountain Time Zones that used to run right down the middle of our main street has been moved to the county line, fifteen miles to the west.

IMG_0135   IMG_0145As soon as you leave Murdo, heading west, start looking for the signs for Petrified Gardens and Wall Drug.  You won’t be able to overlook them!

IMG_0155Nor will you be able to overlook the beautiful badlands.  Veer off the Interstate for a better view.  I’m including a few shots from the Interstate.
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If you don’t know about Wall Drug, read about it HERE

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Plenty of beautiful scenery as you head for Rapid City, The Black Hills and Mount Rushmore.

So, that’s the rest of the story!!! I’m now back in Sheridan after driving thirty hours on the road–1758 miles in 5 days.  Great visits with my nieces and older sister, old school friends in three different towns,  and my cousins Sharon and Lisa in a fourth town…Talk about a whirlwind tour!!!  Rain most of the day for two days–today a rain of insects that almost completely covered the grill and windshield of the car…Always a new thrill in what looks like tame country.  Thanks for following along! And thanks, Patti, for doing most of the driving and planning!

You may click on these pictures for larger views.  Bet you knew that.

The Prompt: Tell us something most people don’t know about you.