Category Archives: Photos of Roads

More Rockslide Photos, Oct 5, 2021, San Juan Cosala Raquet Club

Like the slide 14 years ago, I was up all night last night. There was some presentiment, perhaps, as I heard the huge clap of thunder at 3:32 a.m. this morning and heard the deluge of rain, I was reminded of similar happenings 14 years ago when the last devastating landslde had occurred. I remained awake until 5 and the rain never stopped, finally turned off my light and fell asleep and slept until Paciano called me at 7 and said another tromba (waterspout) had occurred and that there was much damage down the two main roads of the Raquet Club. I got up and this is what I discovered:             (Click on photos to enlarge photos and read captions.)

To see a video, go here:

Cee’s Which Way Challenge, Mar 10, 2017

Do you see the hundreds of starlings lined up on the wires trying to figure out which way to go?

Posted for Cee’s Which Way Challenge.

Along the Road


This is the road that leads from the main highway into the little beach town where I spend time each year.  I’m presently here for three months.  And this is one of the first things I see along the way:

It’s the “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” Authentic Mexican Kitchen Restaurant.  Heavenly food, I’m sure.

Water and Rocks

Water and Rocks

When I arrived back in Mexico two nights ago,img_7021
as I was leaving the airport in the backseat of a taxi, two events happened.

Version 2

One was the eruption of Colima Volcano, 50 miles away from my house.

The other was a waterspout that took water from the lake and dumped it on the mountains above my house. That event, added to massive rain on that night and this morning, led to the culverts becoming swift-running streams and the cobblestone streets next to my house being littered by stones brought down the arroyos, which all happen to empty into streets which become part of the drainage system.

After the rain finally ended today and the skies cleared, I decided to venture out to see what condition the world around me was in. I could hear the rushing sound that told me that water was still rushing down from the mountain. img_7036img_7038


Although the street that ran to the side of my house was littered with stones, the gardener across the street had gathered up all the stones on the street that ran horizontally across the hill, and put them in small piles, so it was passable. Luckily, no boulders had been brought down this time, for in the past boulders as large as small cars had rolled down, completely tearing up the roads.img_7042

At the end of my street, the culvert had turned into a small stream, and as usually happens after a  series of big rains, children and their parents were treating the culverts like spas––wading and sometimes immersing their entire bodies.

At every street corner they could be seen cavorting like seals and having a wonderful time, as were this grandmother, daughter and baby boy at the end of my street.

I couldn’t resist going to talk to them. The baby was just objecting to the cold water when I arrived, and the mother had set him up on a rock and was gathering stones for him to hold.

He hoarded them in each hand.

“Does he know how to throw rocks?” I asked, and when the mother shook her head no, I set about teaching him how.

After an initial reluctance to let go of the rocks,
He was a fast learner!
And soon we had trouble keeping him supplied with enough pebbles.


Meanwhile, the little stream rushed on, tumbling some of the small stones down the hill towards the Raquet club img_7059
to round the corner

img_7066and rush on down to the village and into the lake.
img_7069Those trees out in the lake were once on dry land and the chains of water hyacinths I could make out even at this distance gave testimony to the fact that in addition to the rainfall, extra water was being let out of the spillways of dams further upstream on the Lerma river. I decided it was time to drive down to the lake to take Frida for a walk to investigate further.

To Be Continued

If you are interested in seeing what happens when a tromba (super-saturated cloud or waterspout) empties out over the mountain above me after days of very hard rain, look HERE. You won’t believe this many rocks could  come down in a 15 minute period! It took a year to repair the damage.

Today’s prompt is “breakthrough,” and if these aren”t two examples of types of breakthroughs, I don’t know what is! I guess I anticipated the prompt.

Cee’s Which Way Challenge, Sept 21, 2016

The way to go may not be perfectly clear, but the way not to go should be!



Narrow Illusion


In the wide prairies of South Dakota, the only narrow to be found is the narrowing of the road in the distance.  It is a bit like perpetually driving into an invisible tunnel.

Long Roads, Short Lives

The Prompt: This week its all about roads, paved or unpaved.

First of all, here’s a little background music for you to view these pictures by.  You’re in for a treat if you do listen to Norah Jones singing her rendition of Long Way Home.

 Long Roads, Short Lives


Some roads less permanent than others, but still roads


Making tracks on tracks


Sometimes the road becomes the traveler.


What happens to roads during a heavy storm in La Manzanilla.