Category Archives: Graveyards

Let No Man Put Asunder: Odd Ball Challenge, Aug 27, 2017


This is a found photo, not one I took, but couldn’t resist including this photo of two graves of a couple, one protestant and the other catholic, buried in adjoining graveyards designated solely for their own religion, divided by the wall men and convention  built but joined in spite of it, just as in life.

For Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge.

R.I.P. (JNW’s Halloween Challenge, Graveyard)

Last year, I did a post about a neglected gravesite that I adopted, cleared and decorated.  Yesterday, I went back to check on it and this is what I found:

(Click on photos to enlarge and read captions.)

I guess I have my work cut out for me again this year, although underneath the volunteer foliage, I made out the much-enlarged forms of aloe plants I planted last year.  Perhaps I’ll find some of the sun roses, as well, once I’ve cleared away a bit.

I had made the mistake of coming in through the front entrance of this large graveyard, and since the plot I adopted last year was at the very back, it was hard work finding my way back uphill through the maze of graves back to my car. Time and again, I came to a dead end, my way blocked by a huge crypt or fenced off area. There seem to be no clearly defined paths, but on my circuitous way back, I came upon this little grave even bleaker in its surroundings than that of my adopted departeds, although marked by a Virgin of Guadalupe that was beautifully patinaed by age:

The prompt today is “graveyard.”