Category Archives: Oysters

Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge, 2016, Week 12


I do not like oysters or seafood or fish of any kind, but I love this detail from a plate of oysters a visiting friend had delivered to my porch by a seaside vendor who walks up and down the beach taking orders and then delivers, complete with hot sauce and limes.  I tried straightening this, but for some reason I like the slightly off-kilter bottom edge, so I restored it.  I’ll try to find an earlier pic of the vendor that I published a few years ago.  It is one of my favorites.  If you’ve been watching my blog for awhile, you’ll recognize him!


Remember this little guy?  I’ve been watching him flounce up the beach at the heels of his master for 5 or 6 years now.  I love how only one of his feet is on the ground, and at times all four are airbound…And his tongue is always out!  The foot in front of him belongs to the oyster vendor.  This is the only picture of him I could find on this computer.