Category Archives: humorous photos

And Now, Live from the White House—

Screen Shot 2019-09-25 at 7.30.26 AM

And Now, Live from the White House!!!

Of all the fake reality shows that fill our brains these days,
not one equals the White House for ridiculous displays.
They’re threatening to serialize his perpetual tweets—
his petty little comments, his braying and his bleats.
For when it comes to ludicrous, I’d say he fills the bill.
No other words more petty have been issued from the hill
in two hundred forty-three years since our country first began.
No other leader so foolish. No other leader so tan.
Perhaps those tanning rays have permanently fried his brain.
That serves as a solution for these comments so inane.
Now when it comes to comedy, it seems the whole world’s watching

to see how long we’ll put up with his blathering and botching.
They find it most amazing that his show has run so long
without somebody finding the nerve to ring the gong!!!


(If you don’t know what the Gong Show was, click below to find out:)


Prompt words for the day are threat, serialize, perpetual and bill.

Well-Timed Adoration


Well-timed  Adoration

You’re such a marvelous beauty. I worship at your feet.
You’re the most gorgeous woman of any that I meet.
Every day I see you on my usual rounds
around this graceful city where beauty so abounds.
And now my lovely lady, would you find me rash
if I asked if you could spare a little cash?


Prompt words for today are rash, lady, worship and marvelous. Here are the links:

Cat and Mouse

Earlier today, I wrote about an inventive new idea I have recently had concerning a new concept in cat food.  If you didn’t read that post, you can do so HERE. Since that time, I have actually developed the concept, designed a label and gone into production. There is still some time to invest in what I’m sure will be a competitive product on the cat food market.  Just the first of a line that will eventually also include squirrel, garter snake, rat, lizard and cockroach flavors.  Here is the inaugural product:

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And HERE is the final refinement of the product.

Disclaimer: Fancy Feast does not indeed make a “Mouse” flavored cat food. I have altered and used their can design only as a means to illustrate my earlier poem. This is a joke, folks!!!!

Beach Elf (or Leprechaun?)

I just have to publish a photo in Kammie’s Oddball challenge this week, as I’d forgotten about this photo I took a few days ago.  Little did I know I would capture one of the little people as he took his morning rest on this picnic table down the beach from my house. So here you have it.  Proof! Is it an elf or a leprechaun? The town 15 kilometers away was settled by Irish mercenaries after the Mexican War of Independence and is called San Patricio Melaque (St. Patrick is its patron saint) so I vote for Leprechaun.



For Kammie’s Oddball Challenge.