Category Archives: poems about looking for a man

First Love’s Sting





First Love’s Sting 

How deep the piercing, how sharp the sting
once young love starts to lose its bling.
Hearts start to stutter that used to sing.
You aren’t his princess, he’s not your king.
Your broken heart, trapped in a sling,
cannot follow when he takes wing,
taking with him everything.

No veil, no vows, no rice, no ring.
What passed for love was just a fling.
The love you thought would always cling
ripped cruelly with his exiting.
Your song of starlight, love and spring,
alas, was just a passing thing.
You’re left with “. . . . jada jing jing jing.”

No symphony, but just a ditty.
So goes first love, dear.  Such a pity.


The prompt yesterday was sting, but since the link still doesn’t work, let’s just say

sometimes, love doesn’t turn out to be as glorious as we might have wished.

From Afar

Version 4


From Afar

I have a penchant for you. You’re my object of desire.
You’ve already lit my embers. No need to fan the fire.
Your conflagration’s handled. There’s a trench around my heart.
I have a backfire all planned out should the ground fires start.

I have an inclination, predilection and a yen.
I know where you are going. I notice where you’ve been.
I won’t admit to stalking. I don’t follow in your wake.
You don’t know I have my eye on you and won’t, for heaven’s sake.

I’m too old for flirting. Too advanced in years for blushes.
I’m twenty years or so beyond midlife schoolgirl crushes.
I don’t go out to hookup bars, to lowlife dives or pubs.
I haven’t yet resorted to senior singles clubs.

But lately I’ve been feeling like my isolation’s stupid,
so I gathered up my courage and signed up for OkCupid.
No chance that I’ll be overcome with romance’s pleasures.
Thanks to you, I’ve done my research on precautionary measures.


The word of the day today was penchant.

Waiting for the Rest of Her Life

img_7765photo and collage by jdb

Waiting for the Rest of Her Life

She has faith in the future that her life will fit.
She sits at home patiently, planning on it.
But as she sits waiting for the rest of her life,
the fear it won’t happen cuts like a knife.
As day after day goes by in a whirr,
she’s starting to realize it might not occur.

Her little white dog lies curled up beside her,
but stroking his coat won’t relieve what’s inside her.
She’s yearning for something­–she’s not quite sure what.
Inside her, the want of it roils in her gut,
then digs itself deeper into her soul.
It’s like playing a game where she can’t find the goal.

In every city, far up, looking down,
there are folks in tall buildings, surveying the town—
every alley and walkway for as far as they can
eyes staring out as they survey and pan
the small world below them that must have an answer
to this life that’s consuming them like a slow cancer.

I want to tell them that love can’t find you.
You must lean yourself over and pick up a shoe.
Put it on, then the other one. Walk out the door.
Waiting’s not what life was intended for.
We were pushed into life at the time of our birth,
and life goes on pushing all over the earth.

So all of you people with all of your faces
behind all these windows in all of these places,
Give up your pining and wishing and hoping.
No happiness lies in all of this coping.
Go find your soulmate, no matter the weather,
and then you can spend your life waiting together.



The prompt word today was “waiting.”



The Long Road–Four Landays (NaPoWriMo day 19)


The Long Road–Four Landays

Spent all her life looking for the man,
while the man spent his life looking at all the women.

Why doesn’t life give us what we want?
Most likely because we have never known what we want.

At the point where life starts to wear out,
ironically, life starts to be enough for us.

At the beginning of a long trip,
we hardly ever know where we are really going.

The NaPoWriMo Prompt today was to write a landay. A landay has only a few formal properties. Each has twenty-two syllables: nine in the first line, thirteen in the second.