Monthly Archives: July 2023

Tree of Faith, for the Poetree Prompt

For the new 2 writing  Poetree Prompt
If you can’t read the poem above, here it is in larger form:

Tree of Faith

another ­­
I could be beheaded
for what I most believe in.
Personal. Unique.­
A creative faith that rules my life––­­
religion an organic thing
grown from a communication
between my heart and mind to shade me.

No pews or choir lofts.
No creeds or ayatollahs or muezzins.
No pentecostal dunkings
or annointments
other than fresh falling rain.
No prayer stick more holy than a paintbrush.
No well-thumbed hymnal
declaring faith more clearly than my fingers on a keyboard
or my gooey glue pot or a frame filled with my art and thus my soul.
If God is the creator,
then what prayer could be more elemental
than one’s own creation,
reading like a holy book of who you are?
Where is that creation drawn from
other than that first creator of it all?
We are still in the process of being created.
Genesis not a book already written but the very lives we live.
Yet in another country, this most elemental mysticism of the self–
stated, is punishable by death.
Hide not your flame under a bushel unless it is necessary,
oh brother poet, sister artist, fellow fanner of a personal flame.
You have been branded in your country by that fire
that should cure.
In many countries, perhaps all,
there have come times when what is personal
must remain so for survival’s sake.
Yet what has seeded change is martyrs such as yourself,
facing 800 lashings, years in prison if fortunate,
crucifixion if you’ve drawn the short straw
picked for you by old men wanting never to be judged themselves.
In another country, this simple act of putting words like mine upon a page
enough to end a life for.
That old geriatric communal faith
being so fragile that letting one person have their own faith
might bring about
of its

Turkey Full O’Spoons for Lou

When Lou showed a blog of his hand-formed wooden spoons, I had to brag about all of mine. Here they are in permanent display in my kitchen. I sometimes use 5 per recipe. Easier than rinsing and drying off the same spoon with each ingredient added. I purchased these during years of doing art and craft shows as well as on the street from vendors since I moved to Mexico. I hope Lou will put a link to the blog showing his spoons in comments…

Round and Round for One Word Sunday: Circle.


For Travel With Intent’s One Word Sunday: Circle



They lift their wings
to float, then pump.
Slower than flit,
faster than slump.

Not content with loll and putter,
moths prefer to sail and flutter
through the air
from here to there.

The Weekend Writing Prompt is to write exactly 34 words making use of the word “flutter.” My word count includes the title.


“Look Closer” for Lens Artists Challenge 260: Overlooked

Click on Photos to enlarge and read the captions.

This is the description of the last photo, which was cut off if you clicked on it to enlarge: This little guy rapped loudly on some tree in the neighborhood until I finally went out to see where he was. But, the minute I went out the door, he would freeze and become invisible. Finally, however, I caught him doing his business, whereupon he promptly flew away and has not returned. Here he is eighty feet up in the tree.

For Lens Artists Challenge 260: Overlooked.

Mmmmmm, Hammocks!!! for the M&M Challenge.

Click on Photos to Enlarge

For the CMMC Challenge: Two M’s