Category Archives: photos of beach

Beach Rainbows



It doesn’t often rain at the beach, so on this day, I availed myself of the opportunity to get these shots.  If they seem excessive, I probably shouldn’t admit I took 83!!! Click on any photo to enlarge all.

For Cee’s Rain or Rainbows prompt.

La Manzanilla Sunset, Feb 11, 2018

Beat this sky, if you can!!  One of the best of countless fabulous sunsets in La Manzanilla.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

                                              Sunset Rating Society of La Manzanilla, Beach Bar Chapter.

La Manzanilla Sunset, Jan 25, 2018

I have not changed the color in any way in these photos.  It was really this bright.  You can find more sunset photos of this night and a poem HERE.

Click first photo to enlarge all.. Ho hum, as usual.  I put this instruction here for new viewers.. sorry, old hands.  Don’t mean to insult you.  


The challenge was to take photos of the backs of things. Some of these are way too small in this collage.  Click on the first photo to enlarge them all and see captions.

Empty Morning


Empty Morning

Since the fish refuse to come and play,
the fishermen have gone away.
And since there are no fish to score,
the birds have found another shore
to swoop over and sit upon.
The beach is empty when fish are gone.

Yesterday a busy throng
milled on the beach the whole day long.
But today they’ve gone to job
or school or kitchen—the whole mob.
My world is quiet. The ocean swell
once more has a tale to tell
purely itself. No interlopers.
No beer-swiggers or docile dopers.

No kids squealing as they wade
with parents watching from the shade
of palapas strung along the shore
close enough to ocean’s roar
to grab a toddler grown too brave
from the grasp of an ambitious wave.

Once more, the beach is just itself.
The sand has formed an unmarred shelf
just outside my beachside door.
No beach shovels to scoop and gore,
no sandcastles along the shore.
No footsteps strung along the beach
extending far above wave’s reach.

No butts or bottles, abandoned sandals.
No beach graffiti by vandals
innocently written in the sand
with a stick held in the hand.
“Chuy loves Luz” erased by wave,
impossible, perhaps to save
in either beachside sand or heart,
their teenage love doomed from the start.

All these stories tucked away
by one of few who chose to stay
after the throng has returned home,
leaving only ocean foam
that overnight swept them away.
Every morning, a clean new day.


The prompt word today was minimal.  I used the theme for the poem, but not the word itself.  If you are a prompt-purist and feel the word must be seen, read on:

You won’t find the word “minimal.”
Its presence is subliminal!

Sunset Susurration

Click on first photo to enlarge all.

Sunset Susurration

The murmuration of the waves, the breeze’s gentle rush,
the small stain of the setting sun, spread by nature’s brush.
The yellow of her pallet, bold orange and red and pink
complicate the skyline as we watch the sun’s orb sink
like a flame-red new-cast penny set upon the ledge
of that calmer ocean on the horizon’s edge.

See it slip so quickly into the ocean’s slot,
making us forget for now all that we are not.
All of life’s frustrations, all misbegotten schemes,
are flushed into the water to sink into its seams.
This is why we gather to watch the sunset’s beauty.
every single evening—as though it were a duty.

The prompt today was murmuration.

Kids and Dogs. A Fine Match!!!

Morrie had a wonderful time on the beach yesterday with these three enthusiastic playmates and for once I had two hands free to snap photos.  And in case you wonder, no that little girl isn’t holding him by the tail!!

These are priceless, so please click on first one so you can see them all enlarged in a slideshow. Some of them made need a few seconds to come into focus.  Be patient.


These photos are for the WordPress prompt A Good Match.