The Roue


The Roue

A fresh bloom picked from the garden was his daily treat.
One day a simple tulip, upright and discreet.
Another day a floozie rose––her petals a bit blowsy.
Wisteria or cherry blossoms, drooping, shedding, drowsy.
Often he’d remarked to friends how romance was so fungible,
for with a garden fully stocked, each flower was expungeable.


The prompts for the day were blossom, remark, treat and fungible (mutually interchangeable) For fun, I’m also including this in Cee’s Flower of the Day. Yes, I know expungeable isn’t a word, but it should be, so I’m introducing it into the English language.  Merriam-Webster take heed.

19 thoughts on “The Roue

      1. slmret

        Donzerly was a 5-year-old’s mondegreen, as I learned the national anthem in school from the ears of a very British accent suddenly turned American! It took years to unscramble that one! And I love the word mondegreen — that’s a new one for me — thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. slmret

        Hah! I just read the Wikipedia explanation of mondegreen — ‘donzerly’ shows up in their examples section. I really did hear it that way, and had never before now seen it as an example of anything!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. slmret

        Really! “Oh, say, can you see, by the donzerly light ~ ~ ~” I think it’s hysterical that it showed up in Wikipedia at all, much less as an example for mondegreen! After all, who but a 5 year-old hears it that way?!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. slmret

        Never heard that one — but we didn’t go to church in those days. I think every kid (or at least every family) must have one of those ‘mondegreen’ questions!.



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