WordPress Has Gone Crazy!!!!

Is anyone else finding it impossible to post galleries of photos and to keep them in order?  My editing page also keeps going crazy, crunching everything up in a very tiny space and leaving a huge space in the middle, then superimposing things on top of each other.  I’ve started three different posts and the same thing keeps happening.  Anyone else have the same problem?

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

21 thoughts on “WordPress Has Gone Crazy!!!!

  1. Marilyn Armstrong

    I’ve been having this problem for quite a while … like at least a month, maybe more. IF I don’t add a caption, it works, but any caption will completely destroy it AND hang the post. I don’t even know what’s wrong and I’m tired of asking. They are raising rates at a huge clip and not giving us anything for the money. I wish there were somewhere else to go.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Yes. That’s when it created a problem. When I added captions. Dman. Why don’t they just leave it alone??? If they want to add new methods and fart around, at least leave the option of letting us stay with what works.


    2. lifelessons Post author

      They say a “Happiness Engineer” will contact me soon.. How/ Do they email? They used to come on immediately and answer you but I have to readable screen on my blog to do so. So frustrating. Guess I’ll go offline and just watch “The Voice!” I’ve been wanting to curtail blogging and get back to my novel. Guess this is the universe’s way to nudge me to do so.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. #Theo-Herbots-Fotografie-Blog ||#Tienen

    WordPress is working on a new editor
    For me this is not a problem, but I can understand that for people who are used to working with the classic system, problems can arise.
    Should it be that without you realizing this new system is installed on your site then you can find everything about this via this link where I have explained on my site.
    https://groetenuittienen.blog/2018/12/08/ welcome-at-the-gutenberg-editor / (it is in Dutch, but you can translate in English in the sidebar or at the bottom of my website).
    Additional tip if this without you know it on your site is installed, in one of the blogs there is a blog CLASSIC, if you use this blog, you can then do everything as before.
    Second tip if this system has been installed on your site, you should pay attention to the top right 3 vertical balls, if you click on it and scroll down you can see wyswyg that is the editing of your message or page on the front. code editor is only if you have to use this code somewhere as HTML.
    If you have any questions you can always contact me.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Thanks, Theo. It is so generous of you to have taken the time to help with this matter. I’ve been very careful now to change over to the new system, but perhaps I clicked on something by accident. I’ve heard of others having nightmares over the new editor. You say “in one of the blogs there is a blog CKASSIC” . I’m unsure what you mean. Where is this located? Thanks so much…Judy

      Liked by 1 person

        1. lifelessons Post author

          But how do you get to it? I don’t see any options to use anything other than what shows up, and the screen is mainly blank. It only gives a narrow column to compose on and the far right area where you do tags is also very narrow. Two-thirds of the screen is totally blank area you can’t use. Crazy.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Array

            sorry, I didn’t mean to not reply. If you’re using the new editor, up in the right hand corner you will see two green arrow like things going in opposite directions and then three dots. If you click on the dots, you will see that you can switch to classic. If you just want a classic block, you click to add a block, under formatting, it has “classic” which looks like a keyboard, and for that block you can use the classic editor. This is great if you need to have a single word a different color as they haven’t figured out that glitch yet and I need it for my book reviews to stay alike. Good luck. 🙂


  3. Lwbut

    Haven’t had it happen here!? I don’t use gallery photo option all that much?
    Are you using the ‘new’ editor?? it tends to focus on smaller ‘blocks’ in your post as you write/edit.


  4. ArtisanX

    If that damn Try out the new editor doesn’t stop popping up, Im gonna lose it. Messes me up so much. Especially the one in the column. Why can’t it take the hint after the 2nd time I say No! I think that’s causing issues with other features.


  5. pvcann

    Haven’t had a problem yet, but the recent updates have caused some probs for older operating systems. I’d recommend moving to the new editing process of WP Gutenberg.



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