Cease and Desist Order


Cease and Desist Order

My car’s due for an overhaul, but unlikely to get it.
My dog could use a clipping, but I’m not going to vet it.
I’m balking at improvements. I like things as they are.
I don’t want people poking at my dog or at my car.

Though my house might be enlivened by another coat of paint,
I like the faded, peeling look. I think it’s sort of quaint.
And though my coat is tattered and fraying at the hem,
it is my favorite garment—my closet’s unset gem.

You won’t wrest it from my clutches, for my grasp is strong and sure.
There’s not one thing in my whole life that’s needful of a cure.
So let my grass grow longer and let last fall’s leaves lay.
Let us all just rest here to molder fast away.

I do not want a face lift. I’m fine the way I am.
I have no need for beauty aids to make me look more glam.
When it comes to your suggestions, I must beg for their surcease!
All things don’t need improvement. You can let things age in peace.



Prompt words today are wrest, overhaul, balk and liven. First photo by Forgottenman. Second photo thanks to Curology on Unsplash. Both photos used with permission.


15 thoughts on “Cease and Desist Order

            1. slmret

              Sorry — that was a direct quote from the last line of the poem — I was just emphasizing that all things (including people) age, or grow better together. I’m spending too much time at the computer these days, and definitely didn’t mean to offend in any way!


  1. Mason Bushell

    I like this. the only reason why people spend fortunes on changing the way they look is because peer pressure makes them feel ugly when in fact they are perfectly fine. Its okay to look how you look and be allowed to be as you are. Great post, Judy.

    Liked by 1 person


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