If I Were Marooned on An Island with Only Three Foods?

If I were marooned on an island with only three foods, what three foods would I choose?

Potatoes, Whole Milk, Oil.

What I could make from these three ingredients? Baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, French fries (alas, no ketchup), mashed potatoes with milk and butter, potato chips, scalloped potatoes, fried potatoes, VODKA!!!!!

What I’d miss most:  Salt (but I figure I could obtain it from seawater), green vegetables, (Surely there are some edible greens on the island? More likely than wild potatoes.) As for meat, there must be some game on the island and fish in the ocean or lake around it.

The Prompt for My Vivid Blog is Potatoes. Can’t resist that one!

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

15 thoughts on “If I Were Marooned on An Island with Only Three Foods?

  1. Sam

    Oh,, when I first glanced at the heading I read “Three Fools” and what came to mind was , “They would need to stay on the other side of the damn island”

    Liked by 1 person


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