The Numbers Game #4 , Jan 15, 2024

The doll pictured above  was my favorite doll, ever. It was a Tiny Tears doll. You could feed it water through a bottle and it would either cry tears or pee. The body eventually rotted away, probably through accumulated “pee” that I neglected to rid her of, but I still have her head. And one of her arms and hands, I think.

Today’s Post is pictures numbered 125. Click on photos to enlarge.

Welcome to “The Numbers Game #4”  Today’s number is 125. To play along, go to your photos file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos you find under that number and include a link to your blog in my Numbers Game blog of the day. If instead of numbers, you have changed the identifiers of all your photos into words, pick a word or words to use instead, and show us a variety of photos that contain that word in the title.

This prompt will repeat each  Monday with a new number. If you want to play along, please put a link to your blog in comments below.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

25 thoughts on “The Numbers Game #4 , Jan 15, 2024

  1. Pingback: The numbers game #4 – Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  2. Pingback: My numbers up #3 – 125 – bushboys world

  3. Pingback: The numbers game #4 | KO Rural Mad As Hell Blog

  4. Pingback: The Numbers Game #4 Media #125 | ladysighs

  5. Pingback: 1,2,5! - Louis N. Carreras, Woodcarver

  6. Pingback: The Numbers Game #4, January 15 – “Summer is the season of inferior sledding” – Inuit proverb

  7. Pingback: Judy’s Number Game – 125 | Adventuring into Retirement

  8. Pingback: The Numbers Game – CLARE'S COSMOS

  9. Pingback: The Numbers Game #4 : 1,2,5 | The World Is A Book...

  10. Pingback: The Numbers Game # 4 – Number 125 | teleportingweena

  11. TamrahJo

    Such a unique and fun prompt – Enjoy watching/viewing these works. Me? um, somewhere, I probably saved stuff in original, original, but pretty much, I take photos, while out and about, come home, and rename them, tag ’em and put then into one folder, for use/operations later – OR delete them as ‘too blurry, not useful etc. Simply cuz – I’m not a numbers gal, really – but I can search a time frame and put in my acronym for various things and find the whole durn ‘thing’ PDQ (pretty durn quick)…which frees up time to read (ahem…comment….) here! LOL I guess, if I had to choose one fave – it would be the baby’s foot – ahh – so long since I’ve been around the beauty of “10 toes, 10 fingers, ain’t they beautiful???) and the time when I simply recovered from gestation and labor, often, by simply marveling at the miracle now sleeping peacefully – wondering, “whatever did I do, to be blessed by such a beautiful thing??” Sigh – the youngest is 24 and his ‘baby’ is a rescue german shephard, who comes over to his phone when he has me on speaker for a our ‘catch up’ call, and barks, and tries to lick the phone, and he says, “Yes, that’s grandma! We’ll go visitor her as soon as work calms down” – but, well, her ears and paws, are pretty too – 😀 and when I ‘babysit’ for him, she misses him the first hour or so, then lays by my desk, then sprawls out on my bed in total comfort and sleeps as if she has not a fear in the world – which warms my heart, too! That she is healing at his house and feels safe at mine, even when her ‘daddy’ is away – 😀


    1. lifelessons Post author

      Aw, your story paints a dozen pictures! Loved your comment. You know you don’t have to use my numbers to choose. Just pick one of your files at random, open it and pick your favorites to show us!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TamrahJo

        Bless ya! but ya know – well – I’ve violated the ‘rules’ posted and USED to get away with it, here and there – I AM trying to be a better bloggy pal and the blog world changes LOL – Thanks for giving me ‘permission’ – LOL


  12. Pingback: Let Their Season Come – Sgeoil

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