The Numbers Game #22, May 20, 2024

Click on Photos to Enlarge.

Welcome to “The Numbers Game #22”  Today’s number is 143. To play along, go to your photos file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos you find under that number and include a link to your blog in my Numbers Game blog of the day. If instead of numbers, you have changed the identifiers of all your photos into words, pick a word or words to use instead, and show us a variety of photos that contain that word in the title.

This prompt will repeat each  Monday with a new number. If you want to play along, please put a link to your blog in comments below.

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

34 thoughts on “The Numbers Game #22, May 20, 2024

  1. Pingback: The Numbers Game #22 – 143 – nowathome

  2. Pingback: Judy’s Numbers Game — #22 – This, That, and the Other

  3. Pingback: My numbers up #21 – bushboys world

  4. Pingback: Numbers Game 22 – Sgeoil

  5. Pingback: May 20- #SquaresRenew & Judy’s Number 143 Challenges – Cee's Photo Challenges

  6. boromax

    As always, Judy, you have shown us an amazing and beautiful selection. My ‘favorite’ is the one of a hand holding a cigar, a cigarette, AND a shot of firewater. ~Ed.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      That was my friend Daniel..He passed away this year. You might guess what the causes were! His living space/real estate office was next door to the house I used to rent for 2 or 3 months a year on the beach in La Manzanilla, Mexico.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: The Numbers Game #22 | ~ Trivial Music Silliness ~

  8. Pingback: The Numbers Game # 22 – From Photos # 143 | teleportingweena

  9. Pingback: The Numbers Game #22, May 20, 2024 – Stine Writing

  10. Pingback: Judy’s Numbers Game #22 — 143 (My #2) – Gfpacificbee’s Insights & photography

  11. Ann Garcia

    Bob was such a genius. Beautiful instrument. Who was the senior prom guy? Love all the dogs and kids and babies and flowers and faces. You in New York with… Patty?



    1. lifelessons Post author

      He was Nick Didier, my highschool boyfriend. He was from White River, 23 miles away. My first kiss! I actually was sweet 16 never been kissed. I’d had dates but never let anyone kiss me. His kiss was a revelation. I’ve written about him in other posts. He had a very sad ending. I’ll try to find my other blogs about him and send them to you. Thanks for your comment.


  12. Pingback: The Numbers Game #22 | Graham's Island

  13. Pingback: The Numbers Game #22, May 20, 2024 | A Day In The Life

  14. Clare

    Hi Judy, I love seeing your images and getting a glimpse into your life. This is a fabulous collection (as usual). Sorry I’m a bit late, but my post is up now.



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