Meet Annie

Heeeeeere’s Annie!  Garbed in her new collar and i.d. tag. Today she learned not to be scared in a room with 5 people in it,  learned how to play with her sisters and brother, discovered she preferred cat food to the very expensive puppy food my vet sold me, discovered she liked chewing on the corners of rugs, and decided she is only secure when her new mom is in the room or in the yard with her. May create problems. Tomorrow I’ve hired her a babysitter. She’ll go stay with Yoli, Yolanda’s daughter, while I go to Brad’s for lunch and then to an art show at the new Riberas Art Center.

P.S. She looks big here, but she is really tiny. Less than 2 kilos. Here is a photo of her next to a 12 inch ruler. She prefers sleeping on the floor to sleeping in her cushy bed. Perhaps she smells Zoe on the cushion and wants her own?

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About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

31 thoughts on “Meet Annie

    1. lifelessons Post author

      If she had been at a pet shelter I could have resisted, but seeing her frantic, running back and forth by that busy road, there was no way I could leave her.


    1. lifelessons Post author

      She is already comfortable with the other dogs and they’ve accepted her. When the cat got in and I put it out, Annie cried at the door to go out with him..ha. He is the male cat who mothered Zoe.


  1. Ann Garcia

    she’s one doll of a dog and verry lucky to get you.

    and with a name like Annie she’s all set!!!


    I just love her from afar. Darling!



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