Behind the Action, for Lens Artists Challenge

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For Lens Artists Challenge: Behind

Backgrounds add so much to a photo, either by contrast or by adding to the story. Sometimes just by their very blankness, they emphasize the main object. A vivid color may make the foreground object stand out. A pale color may direct ones eye to the object or person being presented.  The background may be an interesting pattern or something going on that builds the mood or plot of the photo. A friend says some of these photos do not belong. If you agree, let me know which ones. It is my feeling that each has an object or being in the foreground, some being farther in the foreground than others. And in all cases, I feel there is an aspect of the background that meets  the before-mentioned criteria.

25 thoughts on “Behind the Action, for Lens Artists Challenge

  1. msjadeli

    I’m glad you reposted some of these. They’re all winners in my book. You have got a photographer’s eye. It doesn’t hurt that you live in paradise, where everything looks good.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ana Daksina

        In my ’30’s I hosted a weekly hour long radio show, featuring spoken poetry backed by music. As a young mother, performing musician and nonprofit administrator it would have been absolutely impossible for me to put in the kind of time in musical review and rehearsal which would get the often startling audial synchronicities between poetry and music on air. Over eighteen months I learned to depend on them.


        1. lifelessons Post author

          Are any of them still available to listen to? A friend recently turned me on to the fact that I could listen to podcasts on my computer or phone. I am now addicted to them. Years ago I listend to NPR all day long. Now I’m doing so again.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ana Daksina

            I actually had to fight the urge, during my earlier comment, to mention the number of spiritual phenomena which occurred in that little on-air studio.

            A station owner used to show up to engineer my shows every week, and together we weathered sudden and unexplained phenomena from mic volume shifts to tape deck doors opening and closing by themselves.

            In a year and a half of weekly broadcasting we managed to collect less than a dozen shows on cassette successfully ~ it was that outrageous ~ and, in the thirty odd years of complete unsettlement which have followed since, all of those (along with another 1500 pp. of unpublished original works) have been lost.

            I remember that I used to open and close every week’s episode with Jean Luc Ponte’s “Cosmic Messenger.” Very effective in establishing and releasing mood.

            You’re probably getting good listening mileage out of the fabulous TED Talks collection too, yes? Have you seen/heard Jill Bolte Taylor’s “My Stroke of Insight”? One of the best twenty minutes I’ve spent in life, listening to that.


            1. lifelessons Post author

              Do you have a link for those talks? So sad to hear of the loss of all of your cassettes..The same happened to all of the reel-to-reel tapes I had of my dad telling his stories..When I worked for a television production company I took them into the sound room to have them transferred to cassetes and they had all been demagnitized. Media was so much more vulnerable back then.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Ana Daksina

              You can Google TED Talks ~ it’s a huge collection of short presentations by geniuses for geniuses, all working on making the planet a better place. There’s a search bar ~ you can ask for Jill Bolte Taylor. Other fascinating talks I’ve heard centered on the ancient cedars, world slavery, dance as diplomacy, crow intelligence and a wonderful one by a world class runner born legless. If you can’t find Jill, let me know and I’ll go looking for her for you.


      1. slmret

        Doing well, thanks, Judy! We finally have lost the marine layer, and it hit something over 80 today, with a batch of bad fires already. One in Gorman (Grapevine) burned 14K acres since yesterday, and they’re all over the back hills (Lancaster, Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino, etc.) It’s fire season already, but I’m well away from anything that’s burning right now!



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